- The induction machine will produce a generating torque, that is a torque acting opposite to the rotation of the rotor. 此时,感应电动机将产生一个发电机转矩,即与转子旋转方向相反的转矩。
- Taking a six phase induction machine as example, the levitation principle and winding configurations were analyzed. 以单绕组六相感应电机为例,分析了单绕组多相无轴承电机的悬浮原理和绕组结构等问题。
- This paper also investigated the influence of the zero vector and PWM switching frequency on the acoustic noise radiated by induction machine. 选择适当的PWM开关频率能有效地降低电机的噪声·
- The AC/DC/AC converter is used to control wound-rotor induction machine under motor state with double-fed control strategy (DFM). 采用交/直/交(AC/DC/AC),变换器对绕线型感应电机电动状态下的双馈控制进行研究。
- Unlike dc machines, induction machines have uniform air gap. 和直流电动机不同,感应电动机具有均匀的气隙。
- It is obvious that the squirrel-cage induction machine is simpler, more economical and more rugged than the wound-rotor induction machine. 很明显,与线绕型感应电动机相比,鼠笼型感应电动机更简单、更经济且更坚固。
- The proposed dynamometer can operate in both motoring and generating states by direct torque control (DTC) of the induction machine. 该测功机通过异步电机直接转矩控制可以工作在电动和发电两种状态。
- E.Vasssent.Simulation of Induction Machine Operation Using Complex Magnetodynamic Finite Elements,IEEE Tran.Mag.Vol.35 No.4 July 1989. 刘徽.;异步电机电感参数的通用计算方法
- A novel SVPWM overmodulation technique for space-vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM) inverters in the field-oriented control of induction machine was proposed. 给出了一种新的SVPWM线性过调制策略,以实现磁场定向控制中更高的母线电压利用率。
- Walls T A, Sudhoff S D. Analysis of a single-phase induction machine with a shifted auxiliary winding [J].IEEE Trans on Energy Convention, 1996, 11(4) : 681-686. 吴新振.;基于回路电流法的双抽头单相电机的网络方程[J]
- Brushless double-fed machine is a new type of induction machine that reduces the capacity of adjustable speed driver systems and decreases the harmonic. 无刷双馈电机是一种新型感应电机,可以降低调速系统的容量,对电网的谐波污染小,具有很好的发展前景。
- Analyzed the theory on the vector control of induction machine, realizing the decoupling control of magnetic flux and torque though vector coordinate conversion and rotor flux orientation. 摘要本文分析了感应电动机矢量控制原理,通过矢量坐标变换和转子磁场定向实现磁通与转矩的解耦控制。
- Asaii, D F Gosden, and S Sathiakumar, “Neural network applications in control of electric vehicle induction machine drives,” power electronics and variable speed drives, 23-25 september, 1996. 苏木春,张孝德,机器学习:类神经网路、模糊系统以及基因演算法则,全华科技图书,2000。
- In order to limit currents, a two phase voltage is applied to an induction machine in rotating state after a brief power outage before full voltages are gradually provided via thyristor switch. 对于旋转状态的感应电机,在短暂断电后重新接入电源时,为了限流,经过晶闸管开关首先接通两相电源施加部分电压,然后逐步过渡到全压。
- QIU Rui-chang,YAN Yao-min,JIANG Xue-dong.Research on a quasi-stable rotor EMF-oriented doubly fed winding induction machine in wind-energy generation[J].Proceedings of the CSEE,2003,23 (11):133-138. [2]邱瑞昌;闫耀民;姜学东.;准稳态转子感应电势定向的双馈凋速风力发电机的研究[J]
- The machine must break down at this busy hour. 正忙的时候,机器偏偏又坏了。
- The uses of this machine are manifold. 这台机器有多种用途。
- J.Holtz.Sensorless Control of Induction Machines --with or without Signal Injection?,IEEE Trans.on Ind.Electron.,vol.53 no.1 pp.7-30,Feb.2006. 陈伯时;杨耕.;无速度传感器高性能异步电动机调速系统控制方案的三条思路及其发展建议;电气传动;2006(1
- D. Casadei, G. Grandi, G. Serra and A. Tani, “Switching strategies in direct torque control of induction machines,” Electronic Supply and Control, pp. 204-209. 冯英芳,“电流型变流器感应电动机驱动系统之微处理机式场导控制法,”硕士论文,国立台湾工业技术学院电机工程技术研究所,民国七十六年六月。
- D.Casadei , G.Grand, G.Serra and A.Tani, “Switching strategies in direct torque control of induction machines,” IEEE ICEM Conference, pp. 204-209, 1994. 黄朝显,“无刷直流马达在电动机车应用之控制设计”,硕士论文,国立成功大学机械工程研究所,民国八十六年六月。