- individual life ontology 个体生命本体论
- However, time just pass.Being unmerciful to any individual life. 时间是心中的一滴水,干涸,那是随即而至的解构过程。
- Individual ideal,namely life ontological ideal,grows extremely valuable in Chinese historical and cultural tradition concerning Chinese moral ontology. 个体中心意识也即生命本位意识,在中国道德本位的历史文化传统中,显得弥足珍贵。
- It also contains the life ontology characteristic that has philosophy significance, and is gathering the esthetic wisdom, presenting the deep ecology implication. 既含有哲学意义的生命本体论特征,又汇聚着审美智慧,呈现着深生态意蕴。
- Fatalism is the helpless feeling of every individual life living in reality. 而宿命则是每一个生命个体在现实生存中的无奈感受。
- In this dissertation,the author put forward a view that Dilthey"s aethetic thought is life ontology aesthetics on the foundation of his life philosophy system. 在这篇文章中,作者从狄尔泰的生命哲学体系出发,提出了狄尔泰的美学是一种生命本体论美学这样一个观点。
- Part two: Analysis of transcendence and individual life:Life refection. 第二部分:人之超越性与个体生命。
- This paper starts with an analysis of Hamlet's images and continues to discuss the reason for his delay in taking revenge from the angles of sociology, philosophy of life ontology and social morality. 从哈姆莱特的形象入手,试图从社会学、生命本体哲学和社会道德的不同角度,对哈姆莱特在复仇行动上的延宕形成的原因作一些初步的探讨。
- Unique seascape toilet attaching to the main bedroom elucidates individual life space. 独有全海景主卧洗手间,张扬个性生活空间。
- Confucian Buddha supplementary thought,Finally urges him to move towards to individual life consciousness surmounting. 儒佛道互补的思想,使他走向对个体生命意识的超越。
- God is very interested in our Individual life, and cares personally about each of us. 上帝很对我们的个人生命有兴趣,个人关怀我们的每一个。
- Infection trichomonas vaginalis disease,result the individual life quantity to desend,the... 感染阴道毛滴虫病,造成个体生命质量下降,心理和社会活动均受到影响。
- When daylight breaks,we are free from the enclosure and the exclusiveness of our individual life. 当日光破晓;我们从自我封闭和孤独中解脱出来.
- Intellectualism in Ancient Greek and Life Ontology 古希腊理智主义与生命本体论
- Belong to the individual life purely in in the boundless space, pass continuously in time, the fortuity suffer shows the of a clear spirit value, invoke I start on. 纯属个体生命于茫茫空间中,不断流逝的时间中,所遭遇的偶然彰显出清晰的精神价值之维,召唤我上路。
- This paper describes some "heretical beliefs" with the goals of searching for the secrets of immortality of each individual life. 这是一篇"异端邪说"性的文字。其目的在于寻觅个体生命的永生之路。
- Some 53% person acknowledged, own individual life snafu, therefore own pet dog has also come under the certain influence. 有53%25的人承认,自己个人生活一团糟,因此自己的宠物犬也受到了一定的影响。
- In the moral education, the particular of individual life and the rifeness of colony life are united, and individual life accretes with colony life. 在道德教育中,个体生命之间的独特性与群体生命之中的普遍性相统一,实现个体生命与群体生命共融。
- Besides tidies up the room the work, two soon march into the middle age doctor has bothering individual life to need similarly to worry. 西恩-麦克纳马拉与妻子的感情出现了危机,他正努力设法让两人的关系恢复到重前。
- Otolith acts as biological archives providing the basis for the reconstruction of individual life traits and environmental parameters. 耳石可作为鱼类的生物学记录者并为重建其生活特征和环境参数提供依据。