- The court has announce the award to meet causation. 仲裁庭已宣布同意撤销原判决。
- His indirect way of telling me to leave annoyed me. 他那种不直截了当地让我离开的方式激怒了我。
- indirect causation 间接因果关系
- We took an indirect route to the town. 我们循一条迂回曲折的通路去镇上。
- Disease transmission by direct or indirect contact. 接触传染通过直接或间接接触来传播的疾病
- The taxi driver took an indirect route to avoid the town centre. 为了避免经过市中心,出租车司机绕道而行。
- "He said he was hungry" is an example of indirect speech. "他说他很饿"是间接引语的例子。
- The accident was the indirect result of the train being late. 引发事故的间接原因是火车晚点。
- Of course健康网, correlation is not causation. 当然健康网,相关关系并不是因果关系。
- It can also follow a plural subject or an indirect object with a plural verb. 这个词还可以用於复数的主语之後或复数动词的间接宾语之後。
- These new tests of causation and redressability have not always resulted in barring litigants from judicial review when they allege indirect harm. 当诉讼当事人声称受到间接损害时,这些新的因果关系和可补偿性的标准并不总是导致阻止他们获得司法复审。
- To indicate or make known in an indirect manner. 暗示以间接的方式表明
- We went to the house by an indirect road. 我们经过一条曲折的路到了这座房子。
- But the exact direction of causation is hard to establish. 但是因果关系的具体程度是很难确定的。
- I got informed by an indirect way. 我通过迂回的途径得到这个消息。
- The discrimination can be direct or indirect. 歧视包括直接或间接的歧视。
- To use indirect, tricky, or fraudulent methods. 假造运用间接、狡猾或欺骗的方法
- You see, he appears to be a champion of the theory of causation. 你们看,他好像是一个因果论者。
- It will have an indirect effect on them. 那对他们将有间接影响。
- The scientist is possessed by the sense of universal causation. 科学家对普适性的因果关系感到痴迷。