- A region of western India bordering on the Arabian Sea. An independent kingdom after 1401, it was annexed by the Mogul Empire in 1572. 古吉拉特印度西部一地区,与阿拉伯海相邻。1401年后成为一独立的王国,1572年被强行并入莫卧帝国。
- A Portuguese dynasty(1139-1383) beginning with Alfonso I, who made Portugal an independent kingdom. 勃艮第从使葡萄牙成为一个独立王国的阿立索一世开始的葡萄牙朝代(1139-1383年)
- An ancient Balkan state, it long resisted the Turks and from 1910 to 1918 was an independent kingdom. 古代巴尔干国,它长期抵抗土耳其,并于1910至1918年间成为独立王国。
- Assyria as an independent kingdom was perhaps founded ca. 1900 BC by Bel-kap-kapu. 除了阿舒尔以外,亚述的其它三个一流的都市是卡拉、廓萨巴德和尼尼微。
- A region of western India bordering on the Arabian Sea;an independent kingdom after1401,it was annexed by the Mogul Empire in 1572. 古吉拉特印度西部一地区,与阿拉伯海相邻,1401年后成为一独立的王国,1572年被强行并入莫卧帝国。
- A region of western India bordering on the Arabian Sea.An independent kingdom after1401, it was annexed by the Mogul Empire in1572. 古吉拉特印度西部一地区,与阿拉伯海相邻。1401年后成为一独立的王国,1572年被强行并入莫卧帝国
- A region of western India borderingon the Arabian Sea. An independent kingdom after1401, it was annexed by the Mogul Empire in1572. 古吉拉特印度西部一地区,与阿拉伯海相邻。1401年后成为一独立的王国,1572年被强行并入莫卧帝国。
- A region of western India bordering on the Arabian Sea. An independent kingdom after1401, it was annexed by the Mogul Empire in1572. 古吉拉特印度西部一地区,与阿拉伯海相邻。1401年后成为一独立的王国,1572年被强行并入莫卧帝国
- During the early part of the 13th century the central Thai province of Lopburi shook off its domination by the Khmers and enjoyed a brief period as an independent kingdom. 在初期的13世纪,泰国中部省的罗富里摆脱其统治的高棉人和享有短暂的时期内作为一个独立的王国。
- Tang Dynasty after"disorderly Anne's history", the square town influence inflates continuously, some square towns become gradually with central match mutually of independent Kingdom. 唐代自“安史之乱”后,方镇势力不断膨胀,一些方镇逐渐成为与中央相抗衡的独立王国。
- Serbs settled in the region in the 6th to the 7th century and formed an independent kingdom in the 13th to the 14th century but then fell under Turkish domination, which ended finally in 1878. 塞尔维亚人于6世纪到7世纪开始在这个地区居住,在13世纪到14世纪形成了独立的王国,但后来被土耳其统治,其统治到1878年最终结束。
- Formerly an independent kingdom, Manipur was strong-armed into joining India in 1949, Always reluctant Indians, Manipuris are now among the country's most deprived and resentful people. 曼尼普尔曾是一个独立王国,1949年因受武力胁迫而加入印度。曼尼普尔人一向不愿做印度人,他们现在是印度最贫困、最愤怒的民族之一。
- independent kingdom; private preserve 独立王国
- The king is the most important person in a kingdom. 国王是一个王国中最重要的人物。
- Towards the end of 1964 and the beginning of 1965,in the discussions on the "four clean-ups" movement,Chairman Mao held not only that there were capitalist roaders in power but that there were two "independent kingdoms" in Beijing. 到一九六四年底、一九六五年初讨论“四清”,不仅提出走资本主义道路的当权派,还提出北京有两个独立王国。
- You should learn to be independent of your parents. 你应该学习不要依赖父母。
- Some comrades working in state organs do not respect the leadership of the Party, saying that their work is of a special nature, and attempt to turn their own departments into "independent kingdoms". This is a dangerous tendency that must be overcome. 有某些在国家机关中工作的同志,借口自己工作的特殊性而不尊重党的领导,企图把自己工作的部门造成一个独立国,这是必须克服的一种危险倾向。
- Wales was a vassal kingdom at that time. 那时威尔士是个附庸国。
- The ruler of a kingdom is designated a king. 王国的统治者称作国王。
- They are a proud and independent people. 他们是独立自主的民族。