- The set of values that an independent variable can have. 自变量可取值的范围或集合。
- The domain is a set of values of the independent variable. 定义域是自变量的值集。
- Independent variable speed drives on telescoping section. 套车部件的自变数速度驱动器。
- Dependent-expression The variable that is affected by the independent variable. dependent-expression受独立变量影响的变量。
- Computes the average of the independent variable of the regression line. 计算回归线的独立变量的平均值。
- The set of all possible values of an independent variable of a function. 定义域函数自变量的所有可能值的集。
- To obtain the values of a function for regularly or irregularly spaced distinct values of an independent variable. 按等间距或任意间距的独立变量值获取一函数的数值。
- One of a set of independent variables that express the coordinates of a point. 变量,参数一组代表与之对应的点的独立变量之一
- A function is a dependent variable ,whose value depends on the value of an independent variable . 函数是应变量,其值取决于自变量的值。
- Possible affective RE of observation target (independent variable) accounted for 280 items. 可能影响RE的观察指标(自变量)共280个。
- A function is a dependent variable , whose value depends on the value of an independent variable. 函数是应变量,其值取决于自变量的值。
- Regress our first independent variable x1 on our second independent variable x2 , and then obtain the residual . 将第一个自变量向第二个自变量进行回归,然后得到残差。
- Is gestational age an independent variable affecting uterine scar rupture rates? 孕龄是影响子宫瘢痕破裂率的独立因素吗?
- The major limitation of the paradigm is that it takes culture as an exterior and independent variable free from economy. 它的最大缺陷是把文化视为外部独立存在的变量,割裂了文化与经济的关系。
- Bulgaria declared her independence in1908. 保加利亚于1908年宣布独立。
- India gained independence from Britain in1947. 一九四七年印度脱离英国独立。
- Our differential equation will involve some sort of relation between an independent variable x and dependent variable y. 我们的微分方程将包含一个自变量x,一个因变量y。
- The people in that country urged independence. 那个国家的人民要求独立。
- Each separate group in the experiment represents a different condition as defined by the level of the independent variable. 定义:就是把数目相同的被试分配到自变量的不同水平或不同的自变量上。
- I had a replica in little of Independence Hall. 我有一件独立纪念堂的小型复制品。