- The Secure Shell, is an incredibly powerful utility. [安全壳,是一个难以置信地强大的工具。
- The new trebuchets offer an incredibly powerful option for city assaults. 新的投石机为城市攻坚提供了强大的手段。
- The H.A.R.D 19 turn motor is incredibly powerful and is much faster than equivalent kit motors. 在19日又硬电机难以置信的强大和速度远远超过等值包电动机。
- Spontaneously directed variation and selection is an incredibly powerful problem solver. 自发自导的变异和选择机制是强有力的应对难题的天才。
- Armament includes a machine cannon on each shoulder, beam sabers, and the incredibly powerful Twin Buster Rifle. 它的武器系统包括:在两侧各装有一门机关炮,一把激光马刀,还有就是一把无比强大的双管毁灭者步枪。
- Authors are like software developers, not powerful individually but incredibly powerful en masse (and just as ornery! 作者可以通过出版商把图书摆上零售商的货架上。但是,这种情况正在发生变化。
- Gatts, an incredibly powerful warrior, is a lone swordsman in a medieval-fantasy world. 关贸总协定,令人难以置信的强大的战士,是一个孤独剑客在中世纪,幻想世界。
- A working, autonomous, evolving, molecular system would be an incredibly powerful tool. 一个有效的、自发的、进化的分子系统将会是一个具有难以置信能力的工具。
- I discovered the incredible power of dreams. 我发现了梦想不可思议的力量。
- Someone calls amazon "an incredibly powerful brand" and says "the company is rapidly evolving into a world-class retailer," while there is concern about management's ability to reduce costs and succeed in its many new businesses. 有人说“亚马逊”是“不可思议的富有实力的品牌”并认为“公司会迅速发展成为世界级的零售商。”这种观点还考虑到公司管理集团在降低费用和成功地获得许多新的业务的经营能力。
- Believe in the incredible power of the human mind . 要相信>、相信那不可思议的力量来自人的思想;
- Believe in the incredible power of the human mind. 相信那不可思议的力量来自人的思想;
- Now, however, scientists have directly observed planets outside our solar system for the first time, using incredibly powerful telescopes at the Keck and Gemini Observatories in Hawaii. 现在,科学家自夏威夷的凯克天文台和双子宫天文台,使用异常强大的望远镜,首次直接观测到太阳系以外的行星。
- An ancient and incredibly powerful being with a past swathed in betrayal and destruction, Deathwing is poised to bring about the second-largest cataclysm that Azeroth has ever seen. 作为一个以背叛和毁灭而闻名的古老而惊人的存在,死亡之翼正企图发动一场艾泽拉斯有史以来第二大的大灾变。
- The king was shorn of his power by his nobles. 国王被手下的贵族们剥夺了权力。
- You are into this incredibly destructive bag! 你竟陷入这种毁灭的生活方式,真令人难以置信!
- Throughout the Bible we see the incredible power of God at work. When Moses saw the burning bush, God gave him a rod. 摩西看见烧著的荆棘,神赐给摩西一根杖,祂说:拿著这杖。
- She must have incredible power to be able to appear to me while I was in samadhi. 竟然能在我入定中出现,功力好大,我一定要见见她。
- The incredible power of Richard's character is what fascinates me most about the play. “理查令人难以置信的丰富特性,正是莎士比亚这部作品吸引我的地方。
- Facts are the most powerful rebuff to rumormongers. 事实是对造谣者最有力的回答。