- Is It the High Time to Increase Interest Rate? 加息?目前还需谨慎?
- The industry is broadly trying to increase interest in the movies. 电影业正想方设法增强观众对于电影的兴趣。
- But the popularity of hybrid cars like the Toyota Prius is helping to increase interest in hybrid trains. 但是受欢迎的混合型汽车,像丰田普瑞斯有助于增加兴趣混合列车。
- What has sparked the increasing interest in exercise ? 什么引发了人们对锻炼越来越浓的兴趣?
- Prices only started to increase interest rates to control macro-control should be multi-pronged? 加息只是开始控制房价宏观调控应多管齐下?
- When price risk of collateral increase, creditor should increase interest rate and LTV at the same time. 抵押物价格风险的增加应当同时提高名义利率和贷款价值比,抵押物流动性风险的增加应当同时降低名义利率和贷款价值比。
- Xiyan : Many media reports say that you have to increase interest rates or prices, how do you face? 夕颜:许多媒体报道说您认为加息后房价要跌,您如何面对?
- When revenue risk of borrower increase, creditor should increase interest rate and LTV at the same time. 借款人资产的流动性风险的增加应当同时降低名义利率和贷款价值比,借款人的经营收益风险的增加应当同时提高名义利率和贷款价值比。
- W, the central bank spokesman said to reporters yesterday : "This interest rate adjustment, to increase interest income residents. 央行新闻发言人昨天答记者问时表示:“本次利率调整,有利于增加居民利息收入。
- China is trying carefully to cool down its feverish growth, saying it will increase interest rates and force banks to raise more capital. 中国正在小心翼翼地设法冷却经济发烧般的增长,说它将提高利率和强迫银行筹集更多资本。
- Pandange in Boke, he was sent to the tone of the talks were representatives of the developers, "the central bank to increase interest rates so that we are saying the spell. 潘石屹在他博客中如释重负的笔调很能代表地产商们的心境,“央行加息让我们都长出了一口气。”
- Increasing interest rates can lead to chain reactions in the financial markets. 加息可能会导致金融市场的连锁反应。
- The laser phenomenon has been the subject of increasing interest during the last decade. 激光现象是最近十年间越来越引人入胜的课题。
- The central bank of China,PBOC,to restrain the overspeeding credits and investments,will increase the reserve rate twice,and increase interest rate twice,within the next four months. 央行在将近4个月的时间里先后两次提高存款准备金率,两次提高利率以抑制过快增长的货币信贷。
- There has been increasing interest in her life and work,as witnessed by the publication of two new biographies. 从两部新传记的出版可以看出,人们对她的生活和工作越来越感兴趣。
- As people age, they become increasingly interested in noncontact sports. 人随著年龄增长,就会变得比较喜欢不须相互碰触的运动。
- The persistent decline in long-term bond yields in an increasing interest rate environment cannot go on for ever. 在利率趋升的环境下,长期债券收益率持续下跌的情况不可能一直继续下去。
- This section focuses on sectors that are expected to attract increased interest from international companies. 本节将重点关注国际公司兴趣日增的领域。
- We anticipate that demand is likely to increase. 我们预料需求可能增加。
- Given the rapidly increasing interest in glutathione, it is likely a pure GGC supplement would have significant market potential. 这些含有纯的GGC的添加物可以使机体谷胱甘肽快速增加,因此有巨大的市场潜力。