- A rope sling for rolling cylindrical objects up or down an inclined plane. 套拉绳一种用于在斜面上提上或放下圆柱形物体的绳子
- A simple device, such as a lever, a pulley, or an inclined plane, that alters the magnitude or direction, or both, of an applied force; a simple machine. 机械装置一个简单装置,如杠杆、滑轮或斜面刨,可以改变作用力的大小或方向或同时改变; 简单机械装置
- Look at that cliff. The layered rocks making up the cliff seem to be displaced along an inclined plane. 快看那座悬崖,组成悬崖的层状暑石似乎沿著一个倾斜面发生了错开位移。
- Most machines ,no matter how complex they may be ,are combinations of the lever and the inclined plane. 大多数的机器,不管多么复杂,都是杠杆和斜面的组合。
- Throughout the length of this narrow and irksome inclined plane not a sign of life was visible on this farish afternoon. 在这花明柳暗的下午,这条狭窄而令人生厌的坡道上全然看不到一个人影。
- Private intilted air course makes sure the materials in the girding chamber enter into the mill along the inclined plane. 独特设计向内倾斜的风道,确保迸入进风窝壳内的物料能顺利地沿着斜面落入磨机内。
- Strike is the trace of the intersection of an obliquely inclined plane with a horizontal reference plane. 走向是倾斜平面与水平参考成交线的迹线。
- He claimed to have discovered the law of motion of an object on an inclined plane. 他自称发现了物体沿斜面运动的规律。
- The red rock layers on both sides of the inclined plane vere originally one continuous layer. 在那个倾斜面的两侧的红色岩层原来是一个连续的岩层
- The experimental problem about magnetic braking on an inclined plane in the 6th Asia Physics Olympiad is introduced. 介绍了第六届亚洲物理奥林匹克竞赛实验试题中“磁刹车效应”实验.
- Most machines , no matter how complex they may be , are combinations of the lever and the inclined plane . 大多数的机器,不管多么复杂,都是杠杆和斜面的组合。
- Most machines , no matter how complex they may be , are combinations of the lever and the inclined plane. 大多数的机器,不管多么复杂,都是杠杆和斜面的组合。
- The constant motion of the belt(inclined plane)creates a hydro-dynamic path for intercepted oil to follow. 可连续移动的皮带(斜面)可以产生水动力路径,可以迫使遭遇到斜面的油随之流动。
- Contact melting of the phase change material(PCM) during sliding process in a inclined plane is analyzed. 本文对相变材料在斜面下滑过程中的接触熔化进行了分析。
- A simple device,such as a lever,a pulley,or an inclined plane,that alters the magnitude or direction,or both,of an applied force; a simple machine. 机械装置,一个简单装置,如杠杆、滑轮或斜面刨,可以改变作用力的大小或方向或同时改变;简单机械装置。
- Throughout the length of this narrow and irksome inclined plane not a sign of life was visible on this fairish afternoon. 在这花明柳暗的下午,这条狭窄而令人生厌的坡道上全然看不到一个人影。
- Now the inclined plane separates it and makes it into two discontinuous layers. It must be caused by the displacement along the inclined plane. 现在倾斜面使这一岩层分开,使之变成两个不连续的岩层,这一定是由于沿着倾斜面岩层发生位移而造成。
- Or one can measure the time it takes for more viscous foods to flow down an inclined plane using the Bostwick Consistometer. 或者是利用Bostwick粘度计测定较为粘稠的食品从斜窗上流下所需要的时间
- Methods:To observe the cultural characteristics with the medium of inclined plane of egg,agar plate with blood and potassium tellurite,and broth. 方法:采用鸡蛋斜面培养基,亚碲酸钾血琼脂平板和肉汤培养基观察其生长特性、测定多种生化反应性、毒力和药物敏感性。
- The factory is now going full tilt. 这家工厂现在正全速发展。