- It also represents an ancestral mark of incest taboo inherited from the ancient clannish society of the Li people. 它深藏的伦理考虑和设计已被模糊在宗教、审美乃至现实解说的时间烟尘中,它原本所表达的氏族含义远不似人们认定的那样表面、浅泛。
- Hong Kong Literature; incest taboo; kunisexuality; Freud; sexology; exogamy; natural aversion; regression; guilt; genetics. 香港文学;乱伦禁忌;近亲恋;佛洛依德;性学;族外婚;天然厌恶;倒退;罪疚;遗传学
- Beliefs such as these caution anthropologists against narrow biogenetic explanations for the incest taboo and pose severe impediments to a universal definition. 类似的这种信仰,也提醒了人类学家不能对乱伦禁忌仅从生物遗传的角度做出一方面的狭隘解释,也正因如此,乱伦禁忌很难获得一个普遍的定义。
- In anthropology, most research on incest consists of analysis and interpretation of the structure, function, and, to a lesser degree, origin of incest taboos. 人类学有关乱伦的研究包括了分析和解释乱伦禁忌的结构、功能,和从一个较小的程度上分析乱伦禁忌起源。
- Sex is no longer the taboo subject it used to be. 现在不再像过去那样把性的问题视为禁区。
- Any mention of politics is taboo in his house. 在他家里一提政治就犯忌。
- There's a taboo on smoking in this office. 在这个办公室里一向是都不吸烟的。
- an incest taboo 乱伦禁忌
- incest taboo 乱伦禁忌
- Certain rude words are taboo in general conversation. 某些粗话在平常的交谈中是忌用的。
- The "horror of incest" is not in fact universal. “令人憎恶的乱伦“实际上并不是普遍的。
- Questions and problems that were once taboo are now discussed openly. 一度视为犯忌的许多问题现在可以公开谈论了。
- To the village doctor's wife it was taboo. 这对本镇的医生太太来说是最忌讳的。
- The same is true of the conception of incest. 血亲婚配的观念,也是如此。
- Of, involving, or suggestive of incest. 乱伦的乱伦的、与乱伦有关的或有乱伦迹象的
- In fact at that time, incest is a taboo topic for people to discuss, never to say to commit it. 它揭示了以昆丁为代表的美国旧南方一代青年在大家族败落、旧秩序解体后进退两难的境地。
- What makes certain topics taboo? 有些话题为什么犯忌呢?
- Excess body hair is taboo, especially in females. 过多的体毛是禁忌,尤其对妇女来说,更是如此。
- Taboo topics tend to make people feel uneasy. 忌讳的话题往往会使人尴尬。
- Mask taboo is common among the public. 禁忌是一种民俗事象 ,广泛存在于人们的生活中 ,面具禁忌便是其中之一。