- He was caught in the very act of espionage. 他正在干间谍活动时被抓住了。
- He was caught in the very act of stealing. 他正在偷东西时当场被捕。
- He was caught in the very act of espionage . 他正在干间谍活动时被抓住了。
- He was in the very act of starting. 他正准备动身。
- She was in the very act of leaving home when her husband arrived. 正好在她出门时丈夫到了。
- I was in the very act of refusing his offer,when I suddenly recognized him. 我正要拒绝他的提议时,突然认出了他。
- in very act of adj. 当场
- She couched her refusal in very polite terms. 她用十分委婉的措辞表示拒绝。
- He was in the very act of starting the engine when the power source was cut off. 他正在发动发动机时,电源断了。
- Morocco and California are bits of the Earth in very similar latitudes. 摩洛哥和加利福尼亚是地球上几乎同纬度的两小块地方。
- The very act of modeling workflow procedures may itself suggest alternative ways of accomplishing business tasks. 建模工作流过程真正的作用可能就是它建议的完成业务任务的多个替代办法。
- The meeting is gone on in very friendly atmosphere. 会议在非常友好的气氛中进行。
- I thought his jokes were in very poor taste. 我认为他讲的笑话太粗俗了。
- Another had been shot at a loophole in the very act of firing into the house, and now lay in agony, the pistol still smoking in his hand. 另一个海盗企图在枪眼向屋里射击时,自己中弹倒在了地上,此刻正痛苦地躺在那里,手中的枪还在冒烟。
- The act of lying in wait to attack by surprise. 埋伏埋伏着,等待进行出其不意的袭击的行为
- My extra earnings came in very handy. 我的额外收入可备我不时之需。
- In the very act of spoofing free verse, he was enjoying some of its obvious advantages. 意为就在他嘲讽自由体诗的同时,也享受了自由体诗写作的一些明显的好处。
- How was he to subdue her, when the very act of trapping her had failed to do so? 当捉捕她的行动已经丧失作用以后,他怎么才能制服她呢?
- Mary was in very bad shape-she looks washed up. 玛丽处于最糟的状态,她筋疲力尽。
- This dreadful murder is surely the act of a madman. 这种令人惊骇的谋杀纯粹是疯子的行为。