- In the paper,the utilizations on natural energy resources in underground mine ventilation are discussed. 通过实例,对矿井通风中自然能源利用问题进行了分析和论述。
- The Radio frequency communication irreplaceably makes mobile communication realized in underground mine. 射频通信无可替代地实现了矿山井下的移动通信。
- This paper describes and discusses the configuration,coorking principle and design methods,etc,of measuring hoper used in underground mine. 论述了井下矿山矿井计量漏斗的结构、工作原理和设计方法等。
- Application and Development of Filled Stope Mining Method in Underground Mine of BAIYIN Nonferrous Metals Co. 白银公司井下矿山充填采矿方法的应用。
- This paper analyses the cause of exceed radon eduction in a uranium mine, suggestes the radon control measures in order that its radiate strength in underground mine air reaches allowed level. 本文分析了某铀矿井氡超量析出的原因,提出了控制氡析出的措施,从而使矿井空气中总放射强度达到国家规定的容许水平。
- Renewing thinking of design work,improving layout of drift plane,changing the shape of cross section of the main room floor ,the overall design of central substation of main inhalation dewatering pump room in underground mine can be optimized. 更新设计思路,改进巷道平面布置方式,改变主要硐室底板横截面形状,可以优化地下矿山吸入式主排水泵房和中央变电所整体设计。
- At last, the paper introduces the application method of wetting agents to suppress dust in underground mines. 最后介绍了湿润剂在地下开采矿山中的具体应用方法。
- This paper provides a simplified mechanical treatment for coal / rock pillar and roof in underground mining. 本文对地下采矿中遇到的煤岩柱及顶板进行了力学的简化处理;
- Distribution and transfusion of the geostatic pressure variate in company with mining space in underground mining. 地下开采中地压分布与转移随开采空间变动而变动,不同的开采顺序会带来不同的围岩稳定性。
- Diesel driven LHD units are highly efficient ore hauling equipment in underground mining operations. 柴油铲运机是地下采矿作业中的高效运矿设备。
- A Combination Study on Large Trackless Vehicles Used in Underground Mining Activities of Xinqiao Mining Corporation, ltd. 大型无轨设备在新桥矿地下开采中的配套应用研究。
- In underground mining the method of breaking up ore varies. Huge machines called continuous miners can be used for soft deposits like salt or coal. 地下开采所用的落矿方法有多种。对于盐或煤等松软矿床,可用联合采矿机开采。
- Through changing the configuration of the earth's surface and debasing the soil quality,land has been badly damaged in underground mines. 通过改变地表形态和降低土壤质量,井工煤矿生产对土地产生比较严重破坏。
- coal and refuse separation in underground mine 井下煤矸分选
- Now the anchor support in undergrounds mine is the main form of support that has many advantages but also some problems needing solution urgently. 锚杆支护现已发展成为矿井巷道的一种主要支护形式,在具有众多优点的同时,也存在急需解决的问题。
- dewatering system in underground mine 矿井排水系统
- Puzzle-map in underground works now correctly. 地下的藏宝图正常工作。
- He was engaged in underground work in the war time. 在战争时代他从事地下工作。
- Still another system used in underground mining, which is called caving. This involves making the ore cave in on mined chambers or shafts. The ore is then removed by chutes that carry it down to a deeper level, where there is a haulage system. 地下开采使用的另一种采矿法叫作崩落采矿法。这种方法包括使矿石崩落于已采峒室或井筒,然后矿石再通过溜井放到下面水平的运输巷道。
- Battery powered electric lights have replaced dangerous devices that were once used. Good lighting, like good ventilation, is one of the major safety factors in underground mining. 电池矿灯已取代了过去使用的不安全的照明装置。良好的照明同良好的通风一样,是地下开采主要安全因素之一。