- in seven league boots adv. 极快
- in seven leagued boots adv. 极快
- China is developing at seven league strides. 中国正在大踏步地向前发展。
- The defence must be filed and served in seven days. 答辩必须在7日内呈交和送达。
- The defence must be file and serve in seven day. 答辩必须在7日内呈交和送达。
- Rebel base will be in range in seven minutes. 叛军基地在 7 分钟内进入射程
- One in seven accidents is caused by sleepy drivers. 每七次交通事故就有一次是驾车者困倦造成的。
- It came in seven days instead of nine months. 他用七天而不是九个月来到世上。
- Ogle with little horse in Seven Star Park. 与七星公园的马儿“眉目传情”。
- The rally-car technique explained in seven steps. 集会汽车技术解释的七个步骤。
- "In seven days, I shall send rain, "God told Noah. “再过七天,我要降大雨在地上,”上帝对挪亚说。
- Jones has created an engaging set of characters and found a new use for many of the appurtenances of fairy talesseven league boots and invisible cloaks, among others. 于是这既具有错综复杂,异想天开,令人目眩的梦幻叙说,又充满历险因素的小说,挑战并吸引了读者们。
- From 1942 to 1949 he played in seven editions of the Swedish league. 从1942年到1949年,他在瑞典联赛效力了7个赛季。
- As a result of keeping clean sheets in the last seven League games, we again have the best defence in the Premiership. 由于在近七场的联赛赛事中一直保持住零封,我们再次成为拥有在英超最佳防守的球队。
- They are under contract to finish the work in seven days. 他们订有契约要在七天内完成该工作。
- Jack rs got eight hits in seven innings. 杰克在七个回合中,击中八次。
- The tractor beam is coupled to the main reactor in seven locations. 只要其中一个失去能源就可以让船离开
- Are all workers given at least one day off in seven? 是否所有员工每天有至少天的休息?
- He has money to burn; his yearly salary is in seven digits. 他钱多的象水一样,他的年薪是七位数。
- In seven years, a new city had risen out of the ashes of the old. 七年之后,旧城市的废墟上出现了崭新的城市。