- A new immigration law has been enacted. 一项新的移民法开始实施。
- The government has decided to introduce new immigration laws. 政府决定推行新的移民法。
- Do British immigration laws conflict with any international laws? 英国的移民法与国际法有抵触吗?
- Amend Immigration Law, let foreign criminals stay away from Canada! 不要浪费纳税人金钱,马上遣返高山!完善移民法,让国际犯罪分子远离加拿大!
- Some contend that current immigration laws unfairly discriminate against certain racial groups. 有些人争论现行的移民法不公平地歧视某些种族团体.
- The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 186 made every employer responsible for enforcement of some Immigration laws. 第186号移民改革及控制法案使雇主对执行某些移民法负有责任。
- For more information on citizenship and naturalization, contact an attorney who specializes in immigration law. 想了解更多关于公民身份和入籍方面的信息,可咨询移民律师。
- These immigration laws established two important principles of future immigration policy. 这些移民法律为未来的移民政策确立了两条重要原则。
- Arkansas state government should cooperate with the federal government to enforce our immigration laws. 各州应在执行移民法中发挥作用。
- Mr. Lee has over 800 legal writings in newspapers and journals on immigration law. 李亚伦律师在各类报纸和杂志上所发表关于移民法律的文章多达800篇以上。
- Grounds for exclusion or deportation include health, conviction of crimes, threats to U-S security, or violations of immigration laws. 拒绝入境和驱逐出境需要考虑到的因素有(对公众的)健康卫生、(是否)犯罪、(是否)对美国安全构成威胁、或者(是否)违反了移民法。
- To many, the sheer numbers of China's people were menacing, and exclusionary immigration laws were enacted to keep them out. 在许多人看来仅中国人口数目这一项就是一种威胁,于是就制定了专门为了排斥中国人入境的限制移民法。
- Joan Xie, Esq. is a senior attorney who specialized in business immigration law and immigration litigation. 谢炯律师 是精通商业移民和移民诉讼的资深律师。
- A bold attempt to reform immigration laws the following year was scuppered by an extraordinary outburst of popular anger. 由于惊人民愤的爆发,2007年一次移民法律改革的大胆尝试最后也无疾而终。
- For more information on citizenship and naturalization, contact an attorney who specializes in immigration law . 想了解更多关于公民身份和入籍方面的信息,可咨询移民律师。
- On the other hand, Rattner says, tougher immigration laws are weakening the U.S. advantage as a magnet for students from around the world. 莱特纳说,另一方面,更加严格的移民法正在削弱美国吸引全球学生的优势。
- Unless we, the people demand this, more Americans like Mary Nagle will die, evenly as the cowardly politicians and ideological media fiddle while immigration law burns. 我觉得这里的意思是说,除非人民要求/吁,不然就会有更多像M.;N
- In 1965, in a general revision of our immigration laws, many more Chinese were permitted to settle here, as discrimination against Asian immigration was abolished. 1965年,在一次移民法的全面修订中,更多的中国人被允许在美国定居,因为对亚洲移民的歧视已被废除了。
- People as well were becoming increasingly mobile. America relaxed its immigration laws, attracting a huge influx of high-tech workers from across the developing world. 人们也变的越来越有流动性。美国放松了移民法令,从发展中国家吸引大量的高科技人员。
- Although this territory's immigration laws would not allow for naturalisation, a person born in the territory before 1983 would hold BOTC (and British citizenship) on that basis. 虽然这块领地的移民法不允许归化,但在此基础上1983年之前出生在此地人士将可持英国海外领土公民身份(和英国公民身份)。