- [+confidence,imagination,talent] 缺乏某物 to be lacking in sth
- 想象膨胀(imagination inflation)最早是由Garry(1996)等提出的。 This study explored the phenomenon of imagination inflation. The term was first used in a study by Garry, Manning, Loftus & Sherman(1996).
- 才思横溢 a flow of ideas
- 才思云涌 in a moment of literary effusion
- 快捷敏锐的才思 rapier wit(= very quick sharp wit)
- 敏捷的才思 incisive wit
- 敏捷的才思/机敏的头脑 an agile mind/brain
- 好的领袖应该兼备才思和决心。 A good leader should be one of intelligence and resolution.
- 他相信知识能增广人们的才思。 He believed in enriching the mind with knowledge.
- 一个戏谑的玩笑; 批评家善于戏谑人的才思 A wicked prank; a critic's wicked wit.
- 他的才思流溢,很快就写好了一首诗。 His literary creativeness is overflowing, so he can finish a poem in a short while.
- 一本有关他30年政治生涯中才思与智慧的书 a book full of the wit and wisdom of his 30 years in politics
- 一个戏谑的玩笑;批评家善于戏谑人的才思 A wicked prank; a critic's wicked wit.
- 他已不是从前那样的作家了,人们开始说他已才思枯竭。 He's not the writer he was. People are beginning to say,he's played out.
- 她还相当年轻,所以没有理由认为她已经才思枯竭,写不出好东西来了。 She was still comparatively young and there was no reason to think she had written herself out.
- 如果她操持家务,做些妇女份内的事,她就不至于才思枯竭。 For if she had attended her household affairs, and such things as belong to women, she had kept her wits.
- 正是因为才思涌现,词语得心应手,所以其他一切事务都不在她心上了。 As the ideas and words came smoothly,everything else had escaped her.
- 厚重绵长的中国工艺美术历史积淀是我们设计才思不竭的源泉,而现代化市场消费选择,正是我们不断推陈出新追求产品高品位、高质量的动力所在。 The decorous and extending far Chinese craft art history accumulate is we design to just think not dried up of headspring, but modernize the market consumption choice, exactly we put forth new ideas to pursue the product motive place of the high personal status, high quantity continuously.