- Good words and ill deeds deceive wise and fools. 动听的话和坏行为同样欺骗聪明和愚人。
- One bad deed can blemish a good reputation. 一次不良的行为可损害好的名声。
- Good word and ill deed deceive wise men and fool. 言美行为恶,贤愚均上当。
- Bad deeds,as well as good,may redound on the doer. 恶有恶报,善有善报。
- He is bound to get punished for his bad deeds. 他的恶行一定会受到惩罚。
- I swore to correct my bad deeds. 我向她发誓改正我的坏行为。
- One bad deed can blemisha good reputation. 一次不良的行为可损害好的名声。
- Good words and ill deeds deceive wise men and fools. 话好行为劣,欺骗智和愚。
- For one good deed a hundred ill deeds should be overlooked. 一善足以消百恶。
- Fair words do not fill the belly; fine words dress ill deeds. 好话不能当饭吃;巧言足以粉饰恶行。
- Good words and ill deeds decieve wise men and fools. 话好行为劣,欺骗智和愚。
- Bad deeds, as well as good, may redound on the doer. 恶有恶报,善有善报。
- He knows that walls have ears and that ill deeds rebound back. 他知道隔墙有耳的道理,凡是做得不好的事总会传开去。
- Bad deeds,as well as good,may rebound upon the doer. 善有善报,恶有恶报。
- Bad deeds, as well as good, may rebound upon the doer. 善有善报, 恶有恶报。
- Her bad deed followed her and haunted her dreams all her life. 她的恶行一辈子都对她如影随形,在睡梦里也不放过她。
- Fine words dress ill deeds. [谚]花言巧语足以粉饰恶行。
- We pardon bureaucratic officials and endure bad deeds of security staff. 我们原谅官僚的习性,容忍治安人员的恶行恶状。
- He keeps a list of all the good and bad deeds that you have done over the year. 他有一张清单,这张清单上记录着你一年以来你所做的好事和坏事。
- You can't palliate your own badness with other's bad deed. 两黑不等于一白。你不能用别人的恶行来掩饰自己的劣迹。