- The act or practice of envisioning things in an ideal form. 理想主义用理想的观点看待事物的行为或实践行为
- In its ideal form, Shariah ensures the rights of all in an Islamic state. 以它理想的形式,Shariah保证所有的权利在一个伊斯兰教的状态。
- Continent ileal pouch was believed to be an ideal form of urinary diversion with a high success and continence rate and few complications. 认为可控回肠袋代膀胱术具有手术成功率高,可控性好,远期并发症少的优点,是尿路改道的较理想术式。
- Laotzu believes that the ideal form of society, between Taoism and things is a mutual relation of fertility that prescribes each other. 老子认为,理想的社会形态的道内在于万物中,道与万物之间是一种相互规定对方的生育关系。
- Parallel the cross section of those geometries was calculated, transited into the ideal form of a slit or circle and analyticalcalculations were done. 将挤出机机头流道中各个平行于横截面的几何形状,转化成理想状态的窄缝或圆形,通过分析计算得出一个纠正函数。
- So he advocated science and democracy,regarding science as an ideal form of knowledge,using it as the weapon to fight agaist obscurantism. 因此他高举科学与民主的旗帜,他把科学视为理想的知识形态,把科学当作反对蒙昧主义的锐利武器,主张以科学改造中国社会。
- Although the brotherhood tells people to take full advantage of secular democracy, it also insists that the ideal form of administration is an Islamic one. 尽管兄弟会指导民众要充分利用世俗民主制度,但它也坚持认为政府的理想形式是伊斯兰式的。
- Those mathematically ideal form, such as cube, pyramid physical, and spheroid, Cone have to have a calm sense of calm, which is less complicated sense of calm, the more pure form. 那些数学上的理想形态、如立方体、棱锥体、球体、锥体等都具有一种平静的冷静感,这种冷静感具有不太复杂、较为纯粹的形态。
- Idealizing, tendency to idealize, representation of things in ideal form. 理想化,理想化的倾向,以理想的形式来再现事物。
- Targnev and Sheng Cong-wen are the writers of different nationality who are consistent in terms of the meaning of fiction in which the ideal form of life is created on the basis of human nature. 屠格涅夫与沈从文是两位不同民族不同国籍的著名作家,在以人性为基石营造理想人生形式的小说意义方面却有着一致性;
- He did talk of ideal forms, not as transcendental entities but rather as a component of the actual material object. 亚里士多德确实谈过理想的形式,但并不是超凡的实体,而是实际物质的伴随物。
- Transform clay into ideal forms and feelings was a stimulating experience in Fuping Factory. 在这里,我可以把陶泥做成想象中的形状,表达出自己的感情,这是一次非常难忘的经历。
- Ideal Forming and Design of Sheet Metal Forming 理想形变与板料成形设计
- In philosophy, materialism and idealism form a unity of opposites and struggle with each other. 在哲学里边,唯物主义和唯心主义是对立统一,这两个东西是相互斗争的。
- The chameleon on a mirror riddle is best kept in idealized form as a thought experiment. 这个镜子上的变色龙的谜语作为一个思想实验,最好是保持在它思考的形式里。
- The philosophy of Plato, especially insofar as it asserts ideal forms as an absolute and eternal reality of which the phenomena of the world are an imperfect and transitory reflection. 柏拉图哲学柏拉图的哲学,尤指宣称理念形式是绝对的和永恒的实在,而世界中实在的现象却是不完美的和暂时的反映
- And Christianity as it was practiced in its early years was an idealized form of Socialism that benefited each and all. 而且根据基督教的早期发展形式可是看出它是一种可以满足所有人的需求的理想的社会主义意识形态。
- It is an ideal day for a picnic. 这是一个出外野餐的理想日子。
- For all its richness and all its progress, it is not an ideal society. 尽管它很富有,也很进步,但它不是一个理想的社会。
- The paint is sold in powdered form. 该油漆以粉制品形式出售。