- Many people suffer from very serious acrophobia. 许多人患有严重的恐高症。
- Do you know how to overcome acrophobia. 你知道怎么才能克服恐高症。
- Li Lei Do you know how to overcome acrophobia? 你说怎么才能克服恐高症呢?
- Having heart disease, hypertension or acrophobia or feeling bad. 患心脏病、高血压、恐高症者,身体感觉不适者。
- Paula: Do you have a phobia such as acrophobia or so? 你有恐怖症吗,例如恐高症?
- Why he is free from acrophobia when standing on a high place? 站在很高的地方也不会得惧高症?
- Claustrophobia and acrophobia in the same place, like two people in a bed. 在这里,幽闭症和恐高症同时并存,就像两个人睡在一张床上。
- I've conquered acrophobia once and for all after the bungee jumping. 那次蹦极跳以后我已经彻底地征服了恐高症。
- But what a pity that long after I overcame my acrophobia hadn't I met her. 可惜的是,直到我已经克服了坐飞机恐惧的时候,都没有遇到过她。
- She has acrophobia and always becomes dizzy in a high-rise elevator. 她有恐高症,到了高楼的电梯里就发晕。
- His son, Jack, didn’t want to get the cat down because he had acrophobia. 他的儿子, 杰克不能把猫抓下来,因为他有恐高症。
- Not suitable for people with acrophobia, heart disease, hypertension or cervical vertebra disease. 患有恐高症、脏病、血压、血、椎疾病者不宜乘坐。
- Bernd_Schneider: The same with the really visible, acrophobia and Arachnophobia. 显而易见,恐高症和蜘蛛恐惧症。
- Born with acrophobia(fear to be high), I even dare not get close to the edge on the top of a building. 打小就有恐高这毛病的我,连站在高楼上面都不敢靠近边缘,为了这个我已经至少放弃过N(N>5)次公司或者朋友组织的免费旅游机会,其原因就是需要搭乘飞机。
- No admission for those intoxicated and under the influence of drug, heart attack, high blood pressure, and acrophobia. 明显酒醉或嗑药、患心脏病、高血压、惧高症者严禁搭乘。
- A born salesman, he could convince someone with a bad case of acrophobia to sign up for a life membership in a sky-diving club. 他是个天生的推销员,能劝说患严重恐高症的人参加特技跳伞俱乐部做终生会员。
- Visitors who have acrophobia or fear of height are reminded not to take the Ropeway. Please give careful thought before purchasing tickets. 有惧高症不敢搭缆车者,请自行考量、或由九族端入园。
- John "Scottie" Ferguson is a retired San Francisco police detective who suffers from acrophobia and Madeleine is the lady who leads him to high places. 人生就象一场戏,因为有缘才相聚。相扶到老不容易,是否更该去珍惜。
- Olean is one has the giant biplane wing's golden eagle, however contracts acrophobia's it, actually cannot look like other golden eagles to hover equally heartily. 奥利安是一只拥有巨大双翼的金鹰,然而患有恐高症的它,却不能像其它金鹰一样尽情翱翔。
- Just because of acrophobia, I had given up more than N (N>5) chances for free tourism organized by the company or by my friends, just because I didn't want to take a plane. 但是,今天,为了保住高级员工职位,我只有牺牲了我的坚持,开始乘坐这种号称事故发生率最低的交通工具。