- A superstructure at the stern of a ship. 船楼,艉位于船尾部的上层结构
- It is time for us to reform the superstructure. 现在我们的上层建筑非改不行。
- Education forms part of superstructure. 教育是上层建筑。
- Law is considered a part of this superstructure. 法律被认为是上层建筑的一部分。
- A superstructure at the sternof a ship. 船楼,艉位于船尾部的上层结构。
- The superstructure, as of an aircraft carrier. 飞行甲板上层建筑上层建筑,如一艘航空母舰的甲板上层建筑
- The economic base determines the superstructure. 经济基础决定上层建筑如何说啊?
- Democracy is part of the superstructure. 民主属于上层建筑。
- The frame or body of a ship, exclusive of masts, engines, or superstructure. 船壳,船体船的框架或主体,不包括桅杆、发动机和上层建筑
- As a finish coat on superstructure, in engine room, pump room, etc. 适用于上层建筑、发动机室、泵房等的面漆。
- Superstructure compressed air piping to be done air-tightness test. 上层建筑压缩空气管系密性试验。
- Superstructure drainage air piping to be done air-tightness test. 上层建筑疏排水管系密性试验。
- Inspection air outlet grilles of superstructure after fitting. 上层建筑通风门门片安装后检查。
- Inspection structure integrity after completing the superstructure. 上层建筑完后结构完整性检查。
- The superstructure is constructed in marine grade light alloy. 上层结构由轻型合金构成。
- Culture and art belong to the realm of the superstructure. 文化艺术属于上层建筑。
- Morality and law belong to the superstructure of society. 道德和法律都属于社会的上层建筑。
- Democracy is part of the superstructure and belongs to the realm of politics. 民主属于上层建筑,属于政治范畴。
- Superstructure water-tightness doors and windows to be done hosing test. 上层建筑水密门窗冲水试验。
- Checking structure integrity of superstructure(deckhouse)after welding. 上层建筑焊后结构完整性检查。