- hygiene of desk and chair 课桌椅卫生
- Horn of desk and chair should choose to make pliable obtuse angle as far as possible, in case horn of acerb desk and chair lets run everywhere the child dash against of angle. . 桌椅角要尽量选择制成圆滑的钝角的,以防尖锐的桌椅角让到处奔跑追逐的孩子撞上。
- This is a combined design of the desk and chairs. 这是一组桌子与椅子的配套设计。
- The monk's cellar contained only a bed, desk and chair. 这个修道士的地下室里只有一张床,一张桌子和一把椅子。
- Effect of desk and chair with horizontal lever on neck, shoulder, waist and back 水平面桌椅对颈肩腰背部的影响
- The desks and chairs are made of wood. 课桌和椅子是用木头制造的。
- Desks and chairs are usually made of wood. 桌椅通常是木制的。
- Those desks and chairs are made of wood. 那些课桌椅是木头做的。
- Every desk and every chair is made of wood. 每张桌椅都是木头做的。
- All of the desks and chairs should be taken away at once. 所有的桌、椅应该立即搬走。
- The re are other things, too; a bookcase, a small night table, a desk and chair, a dresser, and clothes. 也有其他的东西:一个书柜,一张小床头几,一张桌子和椅子,化妆台,被褥。
- The children have bust up the desks and chairs. 这些孩子把书桌和椅子弄坏了。
- The dialog between blue bricks and Western-style eat desk and chair is thorough actually. 青砖与西式餐桌椅之间的对话其实是深入的。
- There are other things, too; a bookcase, a small night table, a desk and chair, a dresser, and clothes. 也有其他的东西:一个书柜,一张小床头几,一张桌子和椅子,化妆台,被褥
- Specifications of desks and chairs 课桌椅规格
- Will see dining room first, the eat desk and chair of archaize color, those who press full wall pink is coltish. 先来看看餐厅,仿古色的餐桌椅,压一下满墙粉色的轻佻。
- The all-white cabinetry, desk and chair blend in seamlessly with the rest of the room's clean aesthetic. 纯白的书柜、书桌和椅子与这个房间里其他干净的装饰配合得天衣无缝。
- Our desks and chairs are fitted with loose covers. 我们的桌椅均配有桌套和椅套。
- Our task is to mend the desks and chairs. 我们的任务是修理桌椅。
- I've to store the desks and chairs. 我没有地方存放这些桌椅。