- hyaloid cataract 玻璃体混浊
- The cataract deafened the ear with its roar. 瀑布的声音震耳欲聋。
- By definition a cataract is an opacity in the lens. 白内障的定义就是晶状体混浊。
- Can doctors use laser to treat my cataract? 医生可否用激光为我治疗白内障?
- Does cataract cause pain or redness of the eyes? 白内障会否引致眼睛疼痛或发红?
- Academy of Cataract and Laser Surgery, P.C. 白内障和激光外科学会。
- Can Cataract be removed with laser? 白内障可以用激光割除么?
- Can I have LASIK if I have cataract? 如果我有白内障,可以做LASIK吗?
- Cataract may result from long standing diabetes. 长期的糖尿病可能会引起白内障。
- The way is blocked by the tall cataract. 高悬的大瀑布挡住了去路。
- The sounding cataract haunted me like a passion. 轰鸣的瀑布声萦绕于耳,如同滂湃的激情。
- Like an upended stream the cataract sounds loud. 飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天。
- The clinical history of a patient with ghost cell glaucoma usually includes an event likely to have disrupted the anterior hyaloid face, such as cataract extraction, vitrectomy, or trauma. 摘要鬼影细胞青光眼的病人通常有足以破坏前玻璃体膜的病史,如白内障摘除,玻璃体切除或外伤。
- One cause of floaters is the hyaloid artery which carried blood to your eyes. 产生悬浮物的一个原因是由为眼输送血液的玻璃状动脉引起的。
- Itinerant surgeons operated for stone, cataract, and hernia. 巡回的外科医生对结石、白内障和疝进行手术。
- A cataract is a clouding or dulling of the lens in the eye. 白内障就是眼睛的晶状体上有阴影或者浑浊。
- My view of the whole cataract is different from yours. 我对整个瀑布的看法和你不一样。
- He is an elderly gentleman who had had a cataract operation. 他是一位曾经动过白内障手术的老人。
- The good news from the battlefields is becoming a cataract. 战场上传来的好消息正在变成一道奔流。
- The finest view of the whole cataract is from this point. 从这里看去,整个瀑布的景色最美。