- howling syccess n. 极大的成功(大受夸赞)
- The dog was howling its paw was hurt. 那条狗在嗥叫--它的爪子受伤了。
- I could hear her scream through the howling of the storm. 我在暴风雨呼啸之中仍听得见她的尖叫声。
- Culturally Bradford was not the howling wilderness I had been led to expect. 布拉德福德并不是我想像中的那样,她不是一块文化上的荒原。
- He who keeps company with a wolf will learn to howl. [谚]跟狼在一起,就会学狼叫; 近墨者黑。
- In his escape, he walked six days in the midst of howling wilderness. 在逃亡期间,他在人迹罕至的旷野中走了6天。
- It made my flesh creep to hear the wolves howl. 听见狼嚎我毛骨悚然。
- I haven't heard wolves howling for a long time. 我已经有好长时间听不到狼的嗥叫了。
- I found a dog howling over the dead body. 我看到有条狗对着死尸嚎叫。
- The soldiers beat the enemy into howling. 战士们揍得敌人乱叫。
- The howling of the wolves made my flesh creep . 狼的嚎叫使我毛骨悚然。
- The howling of the wolves made my flesh creep. 狼的嚎叫使我毛骨悚然。
- African hyena noted for its distinctive howl. 非洲鬣狗,以其特别的嚎叫而闻名。
- Shut the door there's a howling draught in here! 把门关上吧--这儿穿堂风太大!
- The scalded man is howling in agony. 烫伤的人痛得直号叫。
- She began to howl when he walked out of the door. 他一走出门,她就号啕大哭起来。
- The wind was howling around the house. 狂风在房子四周呼啸。
- Wolves are howling in the forest. 狼在林中嗥叫。
- This crew paraded the town, howling and dancing. 队伍巡游全城,嚷着跳着。
- The wind was howling around the roof. 大风在屋顶上盘旋怒吼。