- The company consented to Jason's application for a housing subsidy. 这家公司批准了贾森对于住房补助的申请。
- He is the advocate of this field,which advocates rasing housing subsidy. 他是这个领域的倡导者,他主张提高住房补贴。
- He is an advocate in this field, and he advocate raising housing subsidy. 他是这个领域的倡导者,他主张提高住房补贴。
- If a one-time housing subsidy is also used, the economic environment of employees buying houses will be eased even more. 如再用上一次性住房补贴,职工购房的经济环境会更加宽裕。
- Analyze the efficiency of housing subsidy 住房补贴效率的分析
- Under certain circumstances, people get housing subsidies, but can not be transferred. 某些情况下,人们可以获得住房补贴,但不能转让。
- Green Paper on Housing Subsidy to Tenants of Public Housing 公屋住户房屋资助问题绿皮书
- Other social benefits, from housing subsidies to free school meals, were also reduced or withdrawn as one earned additional income. 其他社会福利--从住房补贴到学校免费就餐--也随着收入的增加而减少,或者被扣除。
- In an in-kind distribution of housing monetization policies, housing subsidies as part of the monetary base did not include income-tax base. 在终止实物分配,住房货币化政策出台时,住房补贴作为货币化收入的这部分基数并未列入个税征收基数内。
- Now the state-owned enterprise workers to the Advisory Beijing (unallocated Guo housing) one-time payment of housing subsidies document? 现在想咨询北京市有关国企职工(未分配过住房的)发放一次性住房补贴的文件?
- Tenants can not exceed the total amount of funds to subsidize the lessee and their spouses deserve total housing subsidies. 提租补贴资金总额不能超过承租人及其配偶应得的住房补贴总额。
- A subsidy from a government to an industry. 补助费政府给予工矿企业的补助
- Monetizing housing allocation, workers receive housing subsidies, individual fund-raising capacity, making urban low-income workers cooperative housing possible. 住房分配货币化后,职工获得住房补贴,个人集资能力提高,使得城市中低收入职工合作建房成为可能。
- Report of the Committee on Housing Subsidy to Tenants of Public Housing 检讨公屋住户资助小组委员会报告书
- Territory-wide Joint Committee to Fight for Abolition of Housing Subsidy Policy 全港争取撤销富户政策联席
- Hou much money are you going to draw from the bank? 你准备从银行取多少钱?
- Demobilized military cadres to the local housing subsidies from receiving rehousing units in the army units and their functions or hierarchical quite personnel at the same conditions. 军队转业干部到地方后的住房补贴,由接收安置单位按照本单位与其军队职务等级相当或同等条件人员的有关规定执行。
- So ends the story of Hou Yi and the nine: suns. 这就是有名的后羿射日的故事。
- A hut or group of huts for housing ranch workers. 工人棚屋供牧场工人居住的棚屋
- The industry exists on government subsidy . 该企业靠政府补贴生存。