- Qui n'entend qu'une cloche n'entend qu'un son. 兼听则明,偏听则暗。
- New Shenyang, new International Horticultural Expo. 新沈阳新世园。
- They balloted for president of the horticultural society. 他们投票选举了园艺协会主席。
- Karyotype analysis on two horticultural plants of Celastraceae L. 卫茅科两种园艺植物的染色体核型分析。
- We will visit Shenyang International Horticultural Expo. 我们要去参观沈阳国际园艺博览会。
- What is Brought to Us in "International Horticultural Exposition"? "世博会"给我们带来了什么?
- Agricultural and horticultural implements and tools. 荷兰求购园艺或农业用工具。
- Does the tour include Shenyang International Horticultural Expo Garden. 这次旅游包括沈阳世博园吗?
- Steven: Is that guidance hotline for Shenyang Horticultural Exposition? 是世博园的导游热线吗?
- Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the International Horticultural Expo? 劳驾,请问去世园会怎么走?
- Excuse me, dose the bus No. 4 stop at the International Horticultural Expo? 请问,4路公共汽车去世园会吗?
- The scientists suggest that hote horticultural science could improve the crops. 科学家建议园艺学能帮且改进这些作物。
- Water retention by horticultural perlite is not an indiscriminate action. 保水的园艺珍珠岩不是不分青红皂白的行动。
- Horticultural plant resources of the pteridophytes in Fujian Province. 福建省蕨类园林植物资源.
- Each participant has built a garden or supplied pieces to showcase its horticultural art. 所有参展国家和国际组织都在世博园内建造了园林园艺建筑或提供了展品。
- Foreheads which had been hidden by cloche hats were revealed and adorned with small plate shaped hats. 以前前额被吊钟型帽檐所遮蔽,现在也显露出来,用小型平顶帽来增加魅力。
- It provides many interesting activities such as horticultural talks and children's maze. 这项展览并包括许多有趣活动,如园艺讲座及儿童迷宫等。
- A horticultural race or variety of a plant that has originated and persisted only under cultivation. 栽培品种某一植物的园艺品种或变种,在栽培条件下起源并只能在栽培条件下存活
- The Sydney Garden &Flower Show - This annual horticultural show will educate, impress and amaze. 悉尼花园与花表演-这年度园艺的表演将教育,打动并且惊奇。
- What I found instead was the Sassafras La Cloche Brick Oven.It basically creates a little brick oven for your loaf of bread. 后来我看到了意大利钟型面包炉,它基本上相当于一个砖式面包烤箱。