- Diesel is the more economical in fuel on a pound per horse power basis. 以一磅对一马力的比率而言,柴油式在燃料上是比较经济的。
- The engine was fifty horse power. 这台发动机有五十匹马力。
- The best adding power formula of algorithms LMS and SMI are analysed. 并对几种较为典型的自适应算法(如最小均方(LMS)算法、协方差矩阵求逆(SMI)算法和Gram-Schmidt正交化算法)的最佳加权公式进行推导与分析。
- Use full horse power for take-off due to the temperature too high. 使用全马力起飞,因温度太高。
- Reduce refining or horse power requirements in stock preparation. 减少纸浆精磨;降低对磨浆机的功率要求。
- With the known imputing torsional moment Ti and horse power Hi of the gear. 与已知塑料轮的输入力矩Ti和马力Hi比较。
- Diesel is the more economicalin fuel on a pound per horse power basis. 以一磅对一马力的比率而言,柴油式在燃料上是比较经济的。
- Power formula of agitators will cause some errors when it is applied for process agitator in liquid medium. Its suitable applied range is probed. 分析在液体介质中搅拌器计算公式用于推进式搅拌器计算功率时产生的误差,并探索其合适的应用范围。
- Its 660cc 65 horse power engine pushes it to 60 mph in 8 seconds,with a 118 mph top speed. 它配备了660毫升65马力的发动机,使其在8秒钟内就能加速到60英里/小时,最高可达118英里/小时。
- Its660 cc65 horse power engine pushes it to60 mph in8 seconds, with a118 mph top speed. 它配备了660毫升65马力的发动机,使其在8秒钟内就能加速到60英里/时,最高可达118英里/时。
- The Yalin's bed load formula and Einstein's suspended load carring power formula have been used as a control to obtain sediment transport and sediment delivery ratio on the hillslope in the mountain watershed. 用Yalin推移质公式和Eim-stein悬移质挟沙能力公式作为控制,求出了坡面径流的输沙量和泥沙输移比。
- A freeware program to estimate the Horse Power needed to make a machining cut in metal, written by Jim Tuttle. 一个免费的计划,估计马力需要做出削减金属加工撰写的吉姆塔特尔。
- A powerful formula contains soothing natural botanicals to help prevent irritation, peeling or dryness. 强力配方含有舒缓作用的天然草本,帮助预防红肿,起皮和干燥;
- "They use a mechanical antigravity device driven by engines developing approximately 80,000 horse power. “他们使用一种无重量的机械装置,用大约80,000马力的引擎驱使。”
- Lighter viscosity oil will give more horse power and saving fuel (gasoline) than heavier viscosity oil. 打火机稠油将使更多的马力,节省燃油(汽油)比重稠油。
- VBS script system based on the secondary development of functional and powerful formula editor, to meet the high-end user's analysis and secondary development. 基于VBS脚本系统的二次开发功能和强大的公式编辑器,满足高端用户的分析以及二次开发。
- Assembled DongFeng EQ1060 or EQ1061 self-mada chassisof car,with 24 horse power single vat diesel(ChangChai)engine is used as motive power. 使用东风EQ1060或EQ1061汽车配件自制底盘,装配单缸24马力柴油机(常柴牌)做动力,可选装三相电作业装置。
- To begin the land operation, plastic float balls are attached to the cable, before a trawler with high horse power engine tows the heavy cable out. 海缆登陆时,拖船把绑有浮标的电缆拖至海岸,装置在登陆站内。
- Directions: Take 1 serving (1 scoop) with a 8 oz. glass of water 2 times daily. When cycling horse power we recommend using it for no longer than a twelve week cycle. 使用指南:取一份(1小勺子)连同8安士(220毫升)水摇匀服用,每天2次,当使用本产品不要连续服用超过12周。
- The taxi driver increases full horse power, eventually forereach is cruel go a group of things with common features, with the car transverse blocked autocycle. 出租车司机加足马力,终于追过暴走族,用车横向拦住了摩托车。