- These ruins are an eloquent reminder of the horrors of war. 这些废墟形象地提醒人们不要忘记战争的恐怖。
- The horrors of war came home to the people during the revolution. 在革命期间人民饱尝战争恐怖的痛苦。
- They had been hardened to the horrors of war. 他们对战争的恐怖已变得麻木不仁了。
- The population now faces the horrors of war. 人们面临着战争的威胁。
- The book depicts the horrors of war. 这本书描述战争的恐怖。
- Hemingway depicts the horrors of war in his works. 海明威在他的作品中描述 了战争的恐怖.
- He expressed his horror of war. 他表示了对战争的憎恶。
- Goya's etchings describe the horrors of war in grotesque detail. 戈雅的版画用诡异的风格描绘了战争的恐怖
- For all those who don't want see the horrors of war! 不愿再看到战爭的人们!
- The horror of the footage triggered a wave of public condemnation of war crimes. 处刑画面的血腥恐怖重新激起大众对战争罪行的唾弃。
- "The tower must remain as a reminder for future generations of the horror of war," Gray said. 格雷说:“这个塔是给将来的后人的提示,提醒他们战争是多么的恐怖!”
- His son says Mr Davis's horror of war remained with him for the rest of his days and he often spoke of what he described as the futilityof war. 他的儿子说,战后的恐惧,在戴维斯的晚年还不时的困扰着他。他经常向人们痛数战争的残酷。
- The president paid tribute to those who'd not been able, as he put it, to escape the horror of war even in the comfort of home. 总统对那些即使在自己的军事基地都未能躲避恐怖主义战争的战士表示敬意。
- His son says Mr Davis's horror of war remained with him for the rest of his days and he often spoke of what he described as the futility of war. 他的儿子说,战后的恐惧,在戴维斯的晚年还不时的困扰着他。他经常向人们痛数战争的残酷。
- The only other horror of the barber business is squirmy kid. 理发业唯一的另一种可怕的事是给扭来扭去的孩子理发。
- It's hard to appreciate the full horror of life in a prison camp. 战俘营中骇人听闻的生活惨状外人是很难完全体验到的。
- Goya's etchingsdescribe the horrors of war in grotesque detail. 戈雅的版画用诡异的风格描绘了战争的恐怖。
- I have a/this horror of being trapped in a broken lift. 我常害怕电梯有故障会把我困於其中。
- The only other horror of the barber business is squirmy kids. 理发业唯一的另一种可怕的事是给扭来扭去的孩子理发。
- The cruelty of war made his gorge rise. 战争之残酷使她十分反感。