- horizontal drive stage 水平推动级
- The LFD 8-by-96 Matrix is used folr building up the video module of computer instruments Address to LED matrix unit assumes horizontal drive in regular sequence and vertical gating. LED 8×96矩阵适用于构成微型计算机仪表的显示模件,LED矩阵单元寻址采取水平方向顺序激励和垂直方向选通。
- Synchronized drive module produces horizontal drive signal in synchronization with horizontal synchronization signal and field drive sawtooth in synchronization with vertical synchronization signal. 同步驱动模块产生与行、同步的行同步驱动信号和场锯齿波驱动信号,用于驱动激光电视的扫描系统。
- SAA8103 is selected to generate the driver pulse for the CCD. It is combined with the V-driver IC(TDA9991) to generate the vertical driving signals and also connected with the chip 74ACT04 logic drivers to generate horizontal driving signals. 集成芯片SAA8103为驱动CCD芯片提供脉冲信号,与TDA9991协调工作产生CCD垂直行驱动时钟,与74ACT04芯片配合产生驱动CCD芯片的水平像素转移时钟。
- The vertical line meets the horizontal one here. 垂直线与水平线在此相交。
- How can I drive away these feelings of sadness? 我该怎样做才能驱散忧伤?
- Bill wave his hand to us and then drive away. 比尔向我们挥手告别后开车走了。
- The sun rises from the horizontal line. 太阳从地平线上升起。
- x-y position swing motor driving stage 摆动X-Y方位电动载物台
- How long does it take him to drive to work? 他开车去上班要用多长时间?
- Please put your armrest into horizontal position for landing. 降落时请将座位扶手放于水平位置。
- Sing a song to drive off those feelings of sadness. 唱首歌,驱散那些悲伤之情。
- Loneliness almost drive her mad. 孤独几乎使她发疯了。
- His wife admonished him not to drive too fast. 他的妻子警告他开车不要超速。
- The horizontal beam on a cross or gallows. 横梁十字架或绞架上的水平横梁
- It is the practice in Britain to drive on the left. 车辆靠左行驶是英国的制度。
- They hired a coachman to drive them to London. 他们雇了一个马车夫赶车到伦敦去。
- The noise would drive anyone scatty. 那噪音简直能把人逼疯。
- Could you drive me to the station? 你可以开车送我到车站去吗?
- A transverse or horizontal piece, as of a structure or implement. 横梁结构或工具等的横向的或水平部分