- 英国人把“railroad tie”(铁路枕木)称为“sleeper”。 The British call a railroad tie a sleeper.
- Home接口 home interface
- Delta-Signal调制器 delta-sigrnal modulators
- home接口工厂的关键在 The key to the home-interface factory is in the
- 一种用来标志一信息块开头的信号。同synchronizing signal。 A signal used to identify the beginning of a block.
- Home PNA与ADSL的配合应用 The Joint Usage of Home PNA and ADSL
- “East or west, home is best. ” Q:Which of the following best describes the second speaker's mood?
- 数字信号处理(digital signal processing)又可称为DSP。 DSP is the abbreviation of digital signal processing.
- 他把branch扔在路上, 空着手go home. After some time, Silly Simon is very tired.
- SRP54蛋白是信号识别颗粒(signal recognition particle)的一个关键组分. SRP54 protein is a crucial component of signal recognition particle (SRP).
- 采用dsp(Digital Signal Processing)技术对特种材料激光散斑信号进行快速处理. DSP technology was used for fast processing of laser speckle for special materials.
- 他邀请a lot of monkeys to come to his home to eat food. One day, the monkey cooks a lot of good food.
- SOHO(small office and home offce),即家庭办公室。 SOHO-small office and small office.
- 数字信号处理器,[港]数字讯号处理器 2. (digital signal processing) 数字信号处理技术 DSP 1. (digital signal processor)
- 最后介绍了欧洲的数字机顶盒的最新标准平台DVB-MHP(DVB Multimedia Home Platform)。 DVB Multimedia Home Plafform (DVB-MHP), the European standardfor SIB, is introduced.
- 本文应用数字信号处理器(Digital Signal Processor-DSP)设计并实现了串联型电能质量控制器的全数字实时控制。 A fully-digital control system based on digital signal processor (DSP) has been developed to implement the real-time control of series power quality controller.
- 答案是创建通用助手类,它既可以为应用程序中的每个bean获取初始上下文,又可以为它们查找home接口。 The answer is to create a generic helper class to both obtain the initial context and look up the home interface for every bean in the application.
- 信号识别颗粒(signal recognition particle,SRP)途径是一个高度保守的蛋白靶向途径,先后在真核生物、原核生物和古细菌中被发现。 Signal recognition particle(SRP) pathway is a highly conserved pathway for protein targeting, and was found sequentially in eukaryotes, prokaryotes and archaebacteria.
- 您可以按Home按钮来强制它们刷新,然后选择左边的软键(Start)来定位到一个文件夹(例如,Accessories)。 You can force them to refresh by pressing the Home button, then select the left soft key (Start) and navigate to a folder (for example Accessories).
- 数字信号处理器(Digital Signal Processor,DSP)是一种用于数字信号处理的嵌入式专用微处理器,它拥有极其强大的数值运算能力,广泛应用通信、军事、控制、家电等各个领域。 DSP (Digital Signal Processor) is a kind of embedded processor for digital signal processing, which has powerful ability for numerical operation and is now widely used in fields of communication,military,control,electric equipment and so on.