- For the first time they hold hands in public. 他们第一次手搀手地公开露面。
- I just do not feel comfortable holding hand in public. 在大庭广众前牵手,我就是觉得不自在。
- holding hands figure 单髻拱手俑
- Holding hands beneath the paddle fans. 在大吊扇下我们牵着手。
- Couples strolled past holding hands. 一对对恋人手拉手漫步经过。
- The park was full of young lovers holding hands. 公园里有许多手拉着手的年轻情侣。
- Others holding hands all day while I was on my own. 别人整天都在牵着手,而我只能独自前行。
- Zhang Shuping holding hands around chatting. 更握着身旁张叔平的手聊天。
- HAROLD PILLER: We're gonna need to hold hands. 我们需要拉住手。
- Do twins hold hands in the womb? 双胞胎在子宫里会不会手牵手?
- "That they can for once hold hands with a man here is uplifting," said Stina Rogal, who is co-organizing the Gay Games figure skating competition. 同性恋运动会花样滑冰大赛的协办者史蒂娜罗格说:“他们能够破例在这里与男伴牵手比赛,真是令人激动。
- They walked along holding hands, their fingers interlocked. 他们手指交错; 携手而行.
- We were holding hands(= holding each other's hands). 我们手拉着手。
- The Expo emblem looks like three people holding hands. 世博会会徽看起来像三个人手拉手。
- Then I gently pull my right elbow toward my left biceps with my left hand (figure 3).I do the same thing with the other arm for a symmetrical stretch. 然后徐徐温和的用左手把右手肘拉向左手的二头肌(图三),另一只手也做对称的动作。
- Wildly jealous when thinking you holding hands with some others. 想到你会握住别人的手这件事让我异常嫉妒。
- They held hands, whispered, kissed, and laughed. 他们手搀手,低语,接吻,大声笑。
- He hold hands with his male friend and kiss there cheek too. 他和男性朋友手拖手,还亲吻他们的脸。
- They sat in silence then,holding hands until the taxi pulled up at the gate. 他们手拉手默默地坐着,直到出租车在门前停了下来。
- I can see we're holding hands, side by side, walking into the church together. 我看见我们手牵着手,肩并着肩,一起漫步走进教堂。