- hold tight onto himself vi. 紧张
- held tight onto himself v. 紧张
- Hold tight onto oneself eg. 只有那些镇定而又勇敢的人才能控制自己。
- Ultra wide soft wings can hold tightly onto underwear, fastening and never shifting and leaking. 配合特宽柔软护翼,密实包裹内裤两边,固定巾身不移位,并防止侧漏。
- Whenever a meditator holds tightly onto the meditation object and tries to force the mind to "concentrate" or bumps any distractions away, the head will develop a very tight and painful tension. 当一位禅修者紧紧地抓住禅修的对象,强迫心力去专注,或赶走任何令人分心的事物,他的脑筋会产生非常紧张、痛苦的压力。
- To hold tight onto onself 使自己紧张
- hold tight onto herself vi. 紧张
- hold tight onto myself vi. 紧张
- He screwed the caps tightly onto the bottles. 他将瓶盖牢牢地拧到瓶子上。
- hold tight onto oneself 控制自己不做某事
- hold tight onto ourselves vi. 紧张
- Can hold tight the Santa Claus perhaps! 也许能抓住圣诞老人噢!
- hold tight onto themselves vi. 紧张
- hold tight onto yourself vi. 紧张
- hold tight onto yourselves vi. 紧张
- Hold tight to the handle bars and be careful you don't tumble off. 握紧把手,当心摔下来。
- She held tight at my hands with pale face. 她面色苍白紧紧抓住我的双手。
- One of the most common causes of scalds in the home is a baby that pulls a hot drink onto himself. 孩子将滚烫的饮品泼洒自己身上是造成烫伤的重常见因之一。
- Hold tight when you ride at the back of your brother's scooter. 你坐在你哥哥的摩托车后面时,要抓牢。
- Cig in my right hand cause you hold tight to life[...... 您浏览了太多的页面,所以您无法看到该页的内容...