- (=competition) 竞争 compet.
- Nc-stage Nc-stage
- 随时欢迎您。05比赛场地问答What is the capacity of the competition hall? You are welcome at any time.
- 循环对比试验Stage 6成果报告 Report on the Round Robin Test Stage 6 Results
- STAGE文本、字符串函数讨论 Discussion on Text Character String Function of STAGE
- 你想过如何进入比赛吗? I was thinking to do a good competition and to do my exercises to the best of my ability. Did you have any expectations going into the competition?
- 基于STAGE的单舰防空反导仿真实现 Implement on Simulation of Air-defense and Anti-missile on Naval Vessel base on STAGE
- 基于STAGE的电子对抗环境下地空导弹武器系统仿真软件研制 The Development of Simulation Software for Surface to Air Missile Weapon System under ECM Circumstance Based on STAGE
- 接下来,循环对比实验研讨会主席内海先生报告了“Stage 5”的成果。 This was followed by the Round Robin Test "Stage 5" Results Report by Mr. Utsumi, the chairman.
- 在ProcessMessage方法内,当Stage属性设置为AfterSerialize时,检查传递的SoapMessage的Exception属性。 Within the ProcessMessage method, check the Exception property of the SoapMessage passed when the Stage property is set to AfterSerialize.
- 自驾汽车旅游者
- 根据心理测量原理和变化阶段理论,对英文量表Stage of Change(Continuous Measure)Scale进行了本土化的修订,编制为中文版量表。 According to the principle of psychology measure and theory of stage of change,the writer adapts the Stage of Change(Continuous Measure) Scale into Chinese version.
- 背景与目的 糖尿病肾病(diabetic nephropathy,DN)是糖尿病的一种常见的微血管并发症,也是导致终末期肾脏病(end stage renal disease,ESRD)的主要原因。 Background and objective Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is not only a common microvascular complications of diabetes mellitus but also the major cause of the end stage renal disease (ESRD).
- 糖尿病肾病(diabetic nephropathy,DN)是糖尿病(diabetes Mellitus,DM)最常见的并发症,也是导致终末期。 肾病(end stage renal disease,ESRD)的主要原因。 Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is the single most important factor leading to adult End Stage Renal Disease(ESRF) in the world.
- 在西方国家糖尿病肾病是引起终末期肾脏疾病(end-stage renal disease,ESRD)的主要原因,大约30%-40%的糖尿病患者会发展为糖尿病肾病,进而发展为ESRD,且ESRD的发病率在逐年上升。 DN is the leading cause of end-stage renal disease(ESRD) in Western countries, the incidence of ESDR is rising at an alarming rate, almost 30%25 to 40%25 diabetic patients will develop DN and many will progress to ESRD.
- 糖尿病肾病(Diabetic Nephropathy,DN)作为一种糖尿病慢性并发症,随着糖尿病发病率逐年上升,已成为终末期肾病(End-Stage Renal Disease,ESRD)的主要原因,迄今为止其发病机制尚未完全明了。 Background and ObjectiveDiabetic nephropathy (DN) is one of long-term complications of diabetes mellitus and the major cause of end-stage renal disease following higher and higher morbidity of diabetes mellitus. The mechanisms of DN have not been comprehensively reviewed till now.
- 背景和目的:糖尿病肾病(diabetic nephropathy,DN)是糖尿病最常见、最严重的慢性并发症,随着糖尿病发病率的逐年提高,DN已成为导致终末期肾病(end stage renal disease,ESRD)的主要病因之一。 Objective and Background: Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is one of the most common and serious chronic complications of diabetes mellitus (DM). With the rising tendency of DM incidence, DN has become one of the principle causes of end stage renal disease (ESRD).
- 有源功率因数校正器(Active Power Factor Correction,APFC)是开关电源的发展趋势之一,而其中的单级功率因数校正器(Single-Phase Single-Stage PFC)由于控制简单、成本低,成为目前APFC研究的热点之一。 APFC is one of the development trend of switching power supply,the simple control and low cost make single- phase single-stage PFC become the focus in the research of APFC.