- I was holding firm to the saddle. 我紧紧抓住马鞍。
- uphold the truth; hold firmly to the truth 坚持真理
- By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain. 并且你们若不是徒然相信,能以持守我所传给你们的,就必因这福音得救。
- The newspaper reporter did violence to the truth. 这个新闻记者歪曲了事实真相。
- Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has gone through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. 我们既然有一位已经升入高天尊荣的大祭司,就是上帝的儿子耶稣,便当持定所承认的道。
- He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it. 坚守所教真实的道理,就能将纯正的教训劝化人,又能把争辩的人驳倒了。
- His remark was contradictory to the truth. 他的叙述与事实矛盾。
- NIV He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it. 新和合本坚守所教真实的道理,就能将纯正的教训劝化人,又能把争辩的人驳倒了。
- That piece of news had done violence to the truth. 那则新闻歪曲了事实。
- Always hold firm to your beliefs. 永远要坚定你自己的信念。
- Hold to the truth in your heart. 在你心中紧握真理。
- It exhorts Christians to remain steadfast in their faith and hold firm to the hope that God will ultimately vanquish their enemies. 它规劝基督徒们保持坚定的信仰,相信上帝最后会征服他们的敌人。
- She holds firm to her belief in God. 她对上帝的信仰坚定不移。
- How many people have testified to the truth of your statements? 有多少人作证说你的供词是真的呢?
- We shall hold firmly to what has already been agreed. 我们将坚持已经赞同的事。
- The authorities finally disclosed the truth to the press. 当局终于向新闻界公开了真相。
- His account of what happened approximated to the truth. 他就发生的事情所做的说明近於实情。
- He has held firmly to the vital point that whoever has an army has power and that war decides everything. 有军则有权,战争解决一切,这个基点,他是抓得很紧的。
- The price increases were passed on by the firm to the consumers. 那个公司把上涨的费用都转嫁到了消费者身上。
- It was a shrewd assessment and probably pretty close to the truth. 这个评估很有道理,可能相当正确。