- He undid most of the good work of his predecessor. 他把前任的大部分业绩毁掉了。
- He has undone the good work of his predecessor. 他已毁了他前任取得的良好成就。
- He is a president living in the shadow of his predecessor. 他是一个在他的前任的声誉影响中过日子的总统。
- Our new doctor is much younger than his predecessor. 我们新来的医生比他的前任年轻许多。
- As a coach, he is not in the same street as his predecessor. 作为一名教练,他远不能与他的前任相比。
- Official misconduct was a blot on his predecessor's fair name. 滥用职权是他前任名声的一个污点。
- He raked up the misdeeds of his predecessor. 他公布了他的前任的罪行。
- Indeed, he had the example of his predecessor. 其实他也很清楚他的前任就是他的前车之鉴。
- He has undone the good work of his predecessor . 他已毁弃了他前任者的良好成就。
- He take over from his predecessor last May. 他去年五月接任了前任。
- He took over from his predecessor last May. 去年5月他接替了他的前任。
- His background parallels that of his predecessor. 他的背景和前任的人类似。
- He undid most of the good work of his predecessor . 他把前任的大部分业绩毁掉了.
- It was an ancient and honourable tradition of his office that each new Mayor should receive his insignia from his predecessor at a ceremony held in the town square. 这是他办公室的老传统:每一个任新市长都要在市广场举行的仪式上,从他的前任手中接过市长标志。
- He is working hard to excel his predecessors. 他正努力超越他的前任。
- Official misconduct is a blot on his predecessor's fair name. 滥用职权是他前任名声的一个污点。
- The new ambassador is more mature than his predecessor. 新大使比他的前任更成熟一些。
- The new governor dismissed the staff that served his predecessor. 新州长将前任州长的职员全部解雇。
- As a coach,he is not in the same street with his predecessor. 作为一名教练,他远不能与他的前任相比。
- He is cast in a different mould from his predecessor. 他和他的前任性格不一样。