- The ABRA genes of isolate FCC1/HN and other isolates share quite high homology. FCC1/HN株与其它分离株ABRA基因有很高的同源性。
- Sequence analysis shows that these three genes share higher homology with DFR genes in other plant species. 该三个基因有非常高的同源性,而且它们所编码的蛋白序列与其它植物中已经报道过的DFR基因的蛋白序列也有较高的同源性。
- CDK3 has the high homology with CDC2(CDK1) and CDK2, which has some similar function, but absolutely different. CDK3与CDC2(CDK1)和CDK2很高的同源性,CDK3与CDK1、CDK2功能有一定的相似,但又截然不同。
- Rat sp56l show very high homology to mouse sp56 and guinea-pig sp56 both ofwhich have seven Sushi domains. sp56l 编码的蛋白与小鼠sp56 与豚鼠AM67 高度同源,都含有7 个Shshi结构域,而sp56s 编码的蛋白前体则完全缺失了第三个Shshi 结构域。
- The LDH genes of P. falcipantm among isolates FCC1/HN, 3D7 and Honduras 1 exhibited high homology. 序列分析表明,我国恶性疟原虫FCC1/HN株与国外的3D7、Honduras1株LDH基因编码氨基酸序列完全一致。
- The lonFLO, a 408 bp cDNA fragment, was high homology to FLO (98.8%), AFL2 (81.6%), AFL1(81.1%) and LEY (76.2%). 序列分析表明,该片段与金鱼草FLO、苹果AFL2、AFL1、拟南芥LFY有较高的核苷酸同源性,分别达98 8%25,81 6%25,81 1%25和76 2%25。
- We blast high homology sequences in NCBI, and construct enolase by the crystallograms in PDB. 在NCBI中搜寻和其同源性较高的序列,利用PDB库中已知空间结构的蛋白质来模建ENOLASE烯醇酶。
- Two PINCH proteins, PINCH1 and PINCH2, have been described in mammals and share high homology. PINCH1和PINCH2两种PINCH蛋白曾在哺乳动物中被描述过并具有很高的同源性。
- In China these viruses share high homology with Takahaski’s strains which might be good standards for primer designation. 因而,设计pcr引物时宜选择Takahashi等分离株为标准。
- Compared with 5 soybean genetic maps constructed at home and abroad, NEAUSRI-GMS has high homologous with the public genetic map abroad. 与国内外已构建完成的5张大豆遗传图谱比较表明,该图谱与国外的大豆公共遗传图谱对应性较好。
- Pupils who pass the test will be promoted to the next higher grade. 小学生只要考试及格就会升到高年级。
- The dockers are coming out on strike for higher wages. 码头工人将举行罢工要求增加工资。
- Sequence homology analysis of amino acid showed that R-Fom-2 shared high homology(96%) with Fom-2 and had a similarity over 91% compared with different melon breeds in Fom-2 LRR. 氨基酸同源性分析显示,R-Fom-2同Fom-2全长序列具有96%25的同源性,对不同甜瓜品种Fom-2的LRR区分析比较,同源性在91%25以上。
- Sherman recommended that Clarke be disciplined, but higher-ups rejected the idea. 谢尔曼建议对克拉克进行纪律惩戒,但高层拒绝了这个意见。
- But the comparison amino acid sequence shows that GPV DNA has high homology with the human adeno-associated virus AAV-2 in dependovirus and B19 in erythrovirus. GPV与依赖病毒属成员AAV-2及红病毒属成员人细小病毒B19的进化关系较近。
- The Detroit auto workers went out for higher pay. 底特律的汽车工人为争取提高工资而罢工。
- Comparative studies of the thermophilic and mesophilic enzymes showed that they had high homologous sequence, high similar 3D structure and catalytic mechanism. 嗜热酶与对应的中温酶序列具有高度的序列同源性、高度相似的三级结构和催化机制。
- The higher officials knew there was a hen on. 高级官员们知道这里面有阴谋。
- Higher living costs have swallowed up our pay rise. 上涨的生活费用已经抵销了我们增加的工资。