- He has penetrated into high society. 他已经踏进上层社会。
- Secret agents penetrated into high society. 秘密特工打入高层政界。
- Their daughter married into high society. 他们的女儿嫁到了上层人家。
- She was dressed up as a lady of high society. 她把自己打扮成一位贵妇人。
- Exclusiveness is a characteristic of recent riches, high society, and the skunk. 排他主义,是为了近来的有钱人家、上流阶级以及臭鼬等的特色。
- He thought that money was a passport to high society. 他以为金钱是通往上流社会的手段。
- "You were in crack society, devilish high society," he said. “你从前是处在上流的社会之中,极其上流的社会之中,”他说。
- I always feel like a fish out of water among these high society people. 我在上流社会人群中总是感到不自在。
- Exclusiveness is a characteristic of recent riches,high society,and the skunk. 排他主义,是为了近来的有钱人家、上流阶级以及臭鼬等的特色。
- This send-up of high society is still unbearably funny and original. 上流社会仍然是那么不可忍受的可笑和有个性。
- His influence in high society allowed him to literally get away with murder. 他在上层社会的影响使他违规而未被惩罚。
- Exclusiveness is a characteristic of recent riches, high society, and the skunk . 排他主义,是为近来的有钱人家、上流阶级以及臭鼬等的特色。
- In the eyes of high society, Sir Percy Blakeney is a typical fop, surrounded by adoring ladies and clueless gentry. 于上流社会,普西公爵可算是典型的花花公子,终日被慕名而来的名门淑女及游手好閒的纨绔子弟所缠绕。
- Their names are in the Social Register, a listing of acceptable member of high society. 他们的名字在社交界名人录里,社交界名人录指的是上流社会成员的名单。
- Graham became Buf-fett's entree into high society , and Buffett became Graham's tutor in the ways of business. 葛兰姆成为巴菲特打入高层社交圈的敲门砖;巴菲特则在经营之道上成为葛兰姆名师。
- Last movie of Grace Kelly "High Society". Bing Crosby sings in the bar with Frank Sinatra while they drink champaigne! 瘦皮猴与平克劳斯贝;合演又合唱....听他们的组合;音多好听啊?!.....
- I don't like high society, I'm not someone who likes to go to parties and socialise, I'm shy. 我不喜欢上流精英,我不是一个喜欢参加爬梯和社交晚会的人,俺害羞着呢。
- The country club caters exclusively to famous celebrities and other well-heeled members of high society. 乡村俱乐部只接待名人和其他上流社会有钱的人士。
- He does not socialize with the high society crowd. His past time after he gets home is to make himself some pop corn and watch toldevision. 他不太跟群众交际应酬.;下班后主要活动就是弄一点爆米花来吃吃;跟看看电视
- He does not socialize with the high society crowd. His pasttime after he gets home is to make himself some pop corn and watch Television. 他不太跟上层社会交际应酬,下班回家后主要活动就是弄一点爆米花来吃吃和看看电视。