- The gold deposits are classfied into quartz vein,altered cataclastic rock and poly metal sulfide and volcanic sub volcanic rock hosted ore types. 按成矿类型可划分为石英脉型、破碎带蚀变岩型、多金属硫化物型和火山-次火山岩型金矿。
- Metallogeny of the major metallic ore deposits in China II. 中国主要金属矿床成矿规律2。
- refractory high arsenic gold ore 难处理高砷金矿
- gold ore with high arsenic content 高砷金矿
- The poly metallic deposit occurred in the Erlangping ophiolite of eastern Qinling Mountain was regarded as volcanogenic type. 二郎坪群蛇绿岩中多金属矿床属火山成因块状硫化物矿床。
- Blackfoot disease related to high arsenic in drinking water in Taiwan provin ce does not include in this study. 确认辽宁省曾报道的饮水高砷点现已消除 ;
- This paper describes the technique employed in searching for concealed igneous rock (ore) bodies in metallic ore districts and the achievements gained. 摘要提供了地震勘探方法在金属矿区寻找隐伏火成岩(矿)体的应用技术和地质成果。
- The volatility of gold when roasting high arsenic or mercury content of samples was investigated. 考查了高砷、汞样品焙烧时金的挥发性。
- Electric exploration methods as the traditional geophysical surrey vessel is playing important role in exploring metallic ore. 由于不同金属矿产生成环境不同,伴生矿物元素不一样,矿体物性差异很大,造成物探勘查的多解性;
- The endogenetic metallic ore deposits in South Jiangsu are characteristic of rich reserve, complete ore types and evident regional distribution. 江苏南部内生金属矿产资源丰富、品种较为齐全、区域分布特点明显。
- Taking into account of asphaltine and organic rich characteristies in Luchaichong silver poly metallic deposit, the authors study the deposit and find a number of microbiological signs(thallogen). 针对矿床富含有机质和沥青质的特点,研究发现了许多与菌藻类有关的微生物标志。
- There are more than 30 kinds of metallic ore , nonmetal ore resource and fuel , geothermal resources already verified in Tianjin. 矿产资源:天津市已探明的金属矿、非金属矿资源和燃料、地热资源有30多种。
- The useful components in copper sulfur ore are copper, sulfur, aurum, argentine and so on metal ore. 铜硫矿石中有用成分为铜、硫、金、银等矿物。
- The results show that, for metallic ore deposits with indistinct difference in electrical resistivity and considerable difference in polarizability, this technique is fairly effective and deserves popularization. 结果表明:对于电阻率差异不大而极化率相差较大的金属矿来说,该方法的应用效果较好,具有一定的推广实用价值。
- Abstract: This paper describes briefly the gist of the data-processing and interpretation system for time domain“ mise-a-la masse” method and deals in detail with its field application in two metallic ore districts within Sichuan Province. 文摘:简要介绍时间域充电法资料处理及解释系统的基本内容,并详细介绍了在四川省境内的2个金属矿区的野外应用结果。
- High arsenic acid sewerage treatment 高砷酸性污水的处理
- This paper describes briefly the gist of the data-processing and interpretation system for time domain“ mise-a-la masse” method and deals in detail with its field application in two metallic ore districts within Sichuan Province. 简要介绍时间域充电法资料处理及解释系统的基本内容,并详细介绍了在四川省境内的2个金属矿区的野外应用结果。
- high arsenic - bearing pyrite concentrate 高砷硫精矿
- Researches show that the formation of endogenic metallic ore deposits in Taiping shan area is directly related to various tectonic stress fields and the formatio n of fractures in Mesozoic. 根据控矿断裂构造的分期配套及其交切关系研究 ,发现大兴安岭东南部太平山地区内生金属矿床的形成与中生代多次转换的区域构造应力场及其所形成的断裂直接相关。