- High Speed Transient Voltage Suppressors"," 高速瞬态电压抑制器"
- The train flashed by at high speed. 火车疾驶而过。
- The train is going at a high speed. 火车正在高速行进。
- We rounded the corner at high speed. 我们以高速度绕过拐角。
- This factory makes high speed gear shapers. 这个工厂制造高速齿轮造形机。
- high speed transient 高速瞬变现象
- It's unlimited to drive cars at high speed in country. 在乡村开快车没有限制。
- The loud, roaring noise of an engine operating at high speed. 呜呜声高速运转的机器的高且喧闹的噪音
- Transient pulse test is one kind of nondestructive test method employed to test bridge wire electric explosive device (EED). 摘要瞬态脉冲试验是一种对桥丝式电火工品进行无损检测的方法。
- The train was rolling at high speed. 火车在高速行驶。
- We must build our country at high speed. 我们必须高速度地建设国家。
- It's dangerous to turn a corner at high speed. 高速转弯很危险。
- Sent out with or moving at high speed. 快递的快速寄出的或移动的
- The temperature field around the crack tip in a current-carrying plate with a penetrated arc-crack under the action of transient pulse current was calculated and analyzed using complex function analysis solution. 摘要给出含有圆弧裂纹的载流薄板在通入强大脉冲电流瞬间,裂纹尖端处温度场分布的复变函数解。
- Accidents due to driving at high speed were very common that weekend. 在那个周末因高速驾驶造成的交通事故很多。
- With the Rosenthal equation as the mathematical model, the paper studies the thermal response curve of two kinds of industrial electric detonator by transient pulse test. And the relationship between thermal parameters and sensitivity is also analyzed. 作者以Rosenthal方程为数学模型,用瞬态脉冲试验技术研究了两种电雷管的电热响应曲线,并分析了电热参数与感度的关系。
- We rounded the comer at high speed. 我们高速绕过拐角。
- The normal electric thermal response curve obtained from transient pulse test is smooth, but the abnormal one has obvious fluctuation.In general, the EED having abnormal curve has some shortcomings. 通过瞬态脉冲试验得到火工品的电热响应曲线,正常的电热响应曲线是光滑的,而非正常的电热响应曲线往往有较大的波动,出现非正常电热响应曲线的火工品一般都存在某种疵病。
- The car was running at high speed. 汽车急速地向前行驶。
- The experimental results show that wavelet transform is an effective approach to detect the short-lived and lower-ener-gy transient pulse under the situation of lacking of transcendental knowledge. 实验结果表明,在缺乏先验知识的条件下,小波变换能有效检测出脑电信号中短时、低能量的瞬态脉冲。