- hifi VTR 高保真度磁带录象机
- A radio, AM or FM- you can also use your hifi. 一个收音机,调幅或调频都行-你也可以使用你的音响系统。
- VTR? Video Tape Recording (-er)? 磁带录像(机)?
- Only with YY,could we get more HiFi... 外国也不是没可能有假货的,哈哈,不过不了解...
- HiFi Fever brings to you - Fever Chat Forum! 发烧琐事讨论区正式成立!
- In the end I found out what was wrong with my hifi. 我终于搞清楚我的高保真音响出了什么毛病。
- A radio, AM or FM - you can also use your hifi. 一个收音机,调幅或调频都行-你也可以使用你的音响系统。
- Ham, photo shooting, Hifi &DIY Hifi etc. 我都学到你多少啦, 例如有多方面喜好 ;
- Hifi...thanks for yr arrangement!! 组织得好好!
- You better buy a set of HIFI la! 我谂住系屋企听,唔会拎出街。
- I used my VTR to tape David Bowie's promotional film. 我用录相机录下David Bowie的节目。
- ALSO A HIFI FANS! playing JBL paragon ! now considering magnepan! 睇你喇叭摆位就知你又系发烧友一名!!!!!!!!!!!
- Switch on the radio or hifi and turn it up to a comfortable volume. 打开收音机或音响,将音量调到适当的大小。
- The next door neighbour enjoys repairing his fence with his HiFi. 邻居乐颠颠地开着音响修篱笆。
- HIFI and products related to the two major industries in the field of security. 产品涉及HIFI与安全防护两大工业领域。
- The tracking system in video tape recorders (VTR) can only track accurately at normal speed. 摘要录像机中的跟踪系统只有在以标准速度运行时才能进行准确跟踪。
- However, it does not mean Chinese Hifi industry have ceased developing. 目前还没有一家公司能把音响类产品做的很全面。
- Make sure you won't regret, HiFi - More request, more invest........ 花点时间,储多一点,终极杀下目标!
- Sony HiFi 3-CD charger / double tape deck system for sale at only $30. 索尼高保真三光碟、双卡磁带音响系统,仅卖%2430刀。
- "LOVE HIFI" become the safest, most professional-level audio sales fever. “爱HIFI”成为全国最安全、最专业的发烧级音响销售机构。