- Hi Fi Aaron NevilleWarm Your Heart 温暖你心
- 6 head, HI FI stereo ,G-code ,NICAM ,multisystem all NTSC and PAL, 少用偶然录下明珠台;保证100%25操作正常.;*但摇控电池盖\\失了*其他冇问题
- The Technique of Super Class A Hi Fi Amplifier with the Front Electron Tube Set Behind the Transistor 前胆后石超甲类高保真功放研制
- Hi, welcome back to "Let's Talk". 大家好,欢迎再次收看“你说我说”栏目。
- Hi, Maxine I need your advice. Got a minute? 嗨,麦卡西。我想听一下你的建议。有时间吗?
- hi fi hi-fis 具有高保真度
- Charles started reading when hi was knee-high to a grasshopper. 查尔斯在很小的时候就开始读书了。
- hi fi set n. 高传真立体组合
- When you listen to my hi - fi set,it's like sitting in concert hall! 当你听我的高保真度录音机时,那就跟坐在音乐厅里一样!
- Hi, guy, I have got a lot of oranges, take as many as you like. 喂,哥儿们,我弄到了许多桔子,随便拿吧。
- VTR? Video Tape Recording (-er)? 磁带录像(机)?
- Fi shes and reptiles are coldblooded animals. 鱼和两栖动物都是冷血动物。
- Hi, Jack, what lessons will you take this semester? 你好,杰克,这学期你选什么课?
- High elasticity module polyethylene fi. 钢纤维和高强高模聚乙烯纤维。
- Hi, you must he Jane from Australia. I'm Zhou Lin from Qinghua University. 嗨,你一定是从澳大利亚来的简。我是清华大学的周林。
- The best sci fi movie in the world is Aliens. 世界上最好的科幻电影是异形!
- Hi inclined his ear to her tale of woe. 他倾听她讲述悲哀的故事。
- In contrast,China's FI system is still in bud. 我国的洪水保险体制还处于积极探索阶段。
- LaiTy:Hi,bGkc,I have a qummn for you. 拉里:迈克,你好,我有个问题想问你。
- Many small fi wrms went under in that depressi pn. 在那次经济萧条中,许多小企业破了产。