- heterolitic unconformity 异岩不整合
- There is sufficient sand available to blanket the unconformity. 这里有充足的砂质物铺盖不整合面。
- There is sufficient sand available to smooth the unconformity. 这里有充足的砂子铺盖不整合面。
- At Scinto 6 uranium occurs in much altered dolerite below the unconformity. “辛托6”的铀矿体产于不整合面之下变质甚深的粒玄岩中。
- The unconformity marks the change from fluvial to marginal marine deposition. 不整合面标志着河相至边缘海相沉积的相变。
- The erosional surface dissected by such valleys may subsequently become an unconformity in the stratigraphic sequence. 被这种河谷切割的侵蚀面后来可能成为地层层序中的不整合性。
- The unconformity between the Eocene and the Lower Cretaceous is common in Jiuquan basin. 酒泉盆地普遍发育了始新统与下白垩统之间的不整合。
- Unconformity with your instructions, we have have the goods insure against total loss only. 遵照贵方指示,我们已将货物投保全损险。
- Unconformity with your instructions,we have have the goods insure against total loss only. 遵照贵方指示,我们已将货物投保全损险。
- In fact, the available sand is insufficient to form a continuous blanket overlying the unconformity. 事实上,所补入的砂质物不足以在不整合面上形成连续的盖层。
- Study on the play and the distribution of Ordovician unconformity in central east Ordos basin. 鄂尔多斯盆地中东部奥陶系不整合面成藏组合及其分布规律
- The subaerial volcanic rocks underwent weak alteration and unconformity with underling strata. 与下伏地层多呈角度不整合接触,古风化壳常见,常含有陆相植物;
- The contact relationship between Silurian and Devonian is parallel unconformity. 泥盆系与志留系之间为平行不整合接触。
- Unconformity surface, karst cave and karst landform are signs distinguishing from other reservoirs. 不整合面、溶蚀孔洞缝、岩溶地貌是其区别于其它储层的特殊标志。
- Yang, C.-Y.(1972) Note on the subsurface unconformity in the Pakuashan area. Petroleum Geology of Taiwan, 10, 179-186. 杨健一(1972)八卦山区之地下不整合。台湾石油地质,第10号,第179-186页。
- Unconformity surface and sandbody transported gas to surrounding ancient uplifts and formed gas reservoirs. 不整合面和砂体将天然气输导到四周古隆起上聚集成藏。
- It is concluded that the new oil-gas bearing layer is located above the unconformity between the Cretaceous a... 该套地层在研究区普遍具备成藏的基本条件,应作为进一步勘探的有利目标。
- Multistage unconformity karsts lead to early stage corrosion pore and buried hill inner reservoir. 多级不整合面古岩溶作用形成相对早期的溶蚀孔隙和潜山内幕储层;
- The first four ranks were shortage in amount,unconformity of the name of specimen and label,coagulation ... 结论应完善标本采集、运送操作规范与流程,以减少不合格标本的发生。
- The factors that affect hydrocarbon migration are fault, carrier bed and unconformity in Bachu area. 影响巴楚地区油气运移的因素有断裂、不整合面及输导层。