- helium mass spectrometer leak detection 氦质谱检漏
- helium mass spectrometer leak test 氦质谱泄漏试验
- helium mass spectrometer leak detector 氦质谱检漏仪
- Helium Mass Spectrometer Leak Testing for the Flange 法兰氦质谱检漏技术
- Application of Helium Mass Spectrometer Leak Detecting Technology in Thermal Power Plants 氦质谱检漏技术在火电厂中的应用
- Brief Introduction of Helium Mass Spectrometer Leak Test for the Welds of Tube and Tube-sheet 管子-管板焊缝氦质谱泄漏试验简介
- The Error Analysis of Usual Integrating Leak Detection of Helium Mass Spectrometer at Normal Atmosphere 常压累积法氦质谱检漏的误差分析
- Test Methods for Determining Hermeticity of Electron Devices with a Helium Mass Spectrometer Leak Detector 用氦质谱仪检漏器测定电子件密封性的试验方法
- Mass spectrometer plays a key role of modern analytical technology. 质谱是现代分析技术皇冠上的明珠。
- Mass Spectrometer is the most widely used high-end analytical instrument. 质谱是常用分析仪器中比较昂贵的设备。
- The characteristics of leak detection by the helium mass spec- trometer for large or small size low temperature vessels are analyzed and some comments are suggested. 分析了大、小型低温容器的氦质谱检漏的各自特点及应注意的问题,讨论了部分国产氦质谱检漏仪的应用特点。
- Figure B shows a scheme of a mass spectrometer coupled to a gas chromatograph. B是气相色谱与质谱联用的框图。
- Each reading by the mass spectrometer creates a kind of chemical “pixel”. 质谱仪给出的每一个分析结果形成一种化学“像素”。
- For the mass spectrometry, Agilent 1100 LC/MSD ... 对于质谱,安捷伦1100液相色谱质谱联用仪质谱使用...
- helium leak detection mass spectrometer 氦质谱探漏仪
- One of the advantages of the mass spectrometer is that it can record spectra from small quantities of substance. 质谱计的优点之一是它能记录少量物质的质谱。
- Very importantly, there is a vacuum chamber with high vacuum pumps and electronics to run the mass spectrometer. 拥有真空泵和电子装置的真空室质谱仪运行中重要组成部分。
- Both teams used a high-resolution ion microprobe and a mass spectrometer to analyze the crystals. 两研究小组都用了高清晰度离子探针和一组分光计来分析水晶。
- helium mass spectrum back pressure leak detection 氦质谱背压检漏
- Two-dimensional electrophoresis, mass spectrometer and bioinformatics are three main techniques of proteomics. 双向电泳技术、质谱技术和生物信息学是蛋白质组学的三大支撑技术。