- They oppose affirmative action programs and stronger hate crime laws. 他们反对积极的行动纲领以及更有力的惩治攻击性犯罪法。
- But social and religious conservatives expressed fears that they might now be accused of a hate crime if they denounced homosexuality. 但是社会和宗教保守人士却害怕他们现在可能会因为谴责同性恋而被起诉。
- Five members of New York City Tectonic Theater Project arrive in Laramie to research a play that examines the effects of this tragic hate crime on the town. 纽约Tectonic戏剧公司的五位员工来到拉瑞米,他们开始酝酿一出舞台剧,调查探讨这一仇恨引发的悲剧性犯罪案件给小镇拉瑞米带来的影响。
- Barry Winchell is a real person who was murdered in a hate crime in the US army.The murder has caught a lot of attention that US army admitted that it is a hate crime. 美国的反对则更多是宗教的势力,更不要说一个自称民主自由的国家的(政教合一)总统,要积极从宪法里面确立对同性恋的歧视。
- And the deafening silence of blacks has drawn criticism on talk radio from some whites who say blacks have a double standard when victims of hate crime are whites. 一些白人在电台谈话节目中对黑人在这起事件上装聋作哑、闭口不谈加以指责。他们说,当攻击性犯罪的受害者是白人时,黑人就采用双重标准。
- While racial profiling may occur on a subtle level, where a person may not be fully aware that he or she is operating on a basis of racial stereotyping, hate crime activity requires an overt motive. 由于以貌取人也许不表现在脸上,因此,当事人可能没有意识到他/她在从事种族偏见的行为,而仇恨犯罪需要一个明显的动机。
- Q. What is a hate crimes act and how will it help gays and lesbians? 问:什么是仇恨犯罪防治法案,它将如何帮助同性恋者?
- German kid death may be hate crime 德国新纳粹残暴谋杀儿童案浮出水面
- She looked at him with hate in her eyes. 她以憎恨的目光看着他。
- In a frenzy of hate he killed his enemy. 在一阵痛恨的狂乱中,他杀死了敌人。
- These groups and individuals magnify hate crimes by blacks in order to back their social agenda. 这些团体和个人为了给自己提出的社会议题造舆论而极力夸大黑人的攻击性犯罪。
- A hate crimes bill has nothing to do with sentencing crimes, but has to do with funding. 仇恨犯罪防治议案与犯罪判决无关,但与资金有关。
- He concludes that terrorists, political extremists and those who commit hate crimes are often relatively well-to-do. 他的结论是:恐怖分子、政治极端分子和仇恨罪罪犯,通常都相对比较富裕。
- The YRP investigated the assaults as hate crimes, and laid charges in five of the six reported assaults. 约克警方在对涉及仇恨犯罪的袭击事件进行调查后,对6起报案的袭击事件中的5起提出了刑事指控。
- Religion is often made the covert of crime. 宗教常成为罪恶的护庇所。
- Hate Crime Sentencing Enhancement Act 全国仇恨犯罪量刑促进法
- Since 911, the headscarf worn by Muslim women has made them easy targets for hate crimes worldwide, even though interest in Islam as a religion has picked up. 九一一后,回教徒妇女因为穿戴头巾,使她们在世界各地成为明显的报复目标。
- The parents tried to smother up his son's crime. 这两个家长想给其儿子掩盖罪行。
- The mayor is confident the war against crime will be won. 市长确信反犯罪活动之战争必定胜利。
- Hate crimes under current federal law apply to acts of violence against individuals on the basis of race, religion, color, or national origin. 现行联邦法律下的憎恶犯罪适用基于种族、宗教、肤色或民族出身的原因而针对个人所进行的暴力行为。