- have little mind to do sth. v. 不想做某事
- have little mind to do sth 不很想做某事
- Hardon has little mind to go with her. 哈登不大想跟她去。
- In ancient China, there was a teenager that made up his mind to do sth to amaze the world. 我国古代有一个少年;立志长大后要干一番令世人惊叹的事业.
- You will jolly well have to do sth. 你非得去做某事。
- Be a mind to do sth. 浮上脑际,涌现在头脑里。
- Make up one's mind to do sth. 打定主意,决定,决心。
- Have the power, means ot opportunity to do sth. 有能力、办法或机会做某事。
- Have no mind to do sth. 不想做某事
- Have the neck+[1] [nerve] to do sth. 厚着脸皮做某事
- They have little time to do ort. 他们没有时间做运动。
- It's natual that she should have no mind to do so. 她不想这样做是很自然的。
- He seems to have little ,if anything ,to do with this . 若要说他和这件事有关的话,那也似乎是很少的。
- He would help us if he were minded to do so. 如果他有意帮助我们,他就会这样做。
- Take it into one's head to do sth. 突然决定做某事,心血来潮
- I had little to do with the Middle East. 我跟中东问题没什么关系。
- My fame has little to do with my accomplishments. 我的名气同我的成就毫无关系。
- It is better to do sth late than never. 迟做总比不做好。
- It is important and useful for sb. To do sth. 做某事对某人重要有用。
- At last, he make up his mind to do it. 他终于下定决心做这件事。