- harmonious society in country 农村和谐社会
- At present, there are a lot of problems with the villager autonomy, which is far from constructing the harmonious society in the country. 当前村民自治面临许多问题,离我们构建农村和谐社会存在较大距离。
- Fenjiu Group of the family hope liquor wine together with the Envoys will build a harmonious society in China. 汾酒集团金家酒与驻华使节共建和谐社会。
- In the process of building harmonious society in China,we are still faced with many inharmonious social problems. 在我国构建和谐社会的过程中,还面临着许多不和谐的社会问题。
- A harmonious city is the concrete embodiment and the ideal result of a harmonious society in management of city. 摘要和谐城市是和谐社会在城市治理中的具体体现和理想结果。
- None but insists on constructing the harmonious society in the scientific development, can we continually exploit ... 只有坚持在科学发展中构建和谐社会,才能不断开拓和谐社会的新局面。
- Voluntary service and harmonious society are in line with each other in values and the main forces in advancing harmonious society in function. 志愿服务与和谐社会在价值理念上具有一致性,在功能上是推动和谐社会的重要现实力量。
- The 16th CPC National Congress made the "building harmonious society" as one of the goals of building the well-off society in an all-around way. 摘要党的十六大把“社会更加和谐”作为全面建设小康社会的目标之一提了出来,一个灵活、广泛、有效、快捷的纠纷解决机制是构建和谐社会对纠纷解决机制提出的新要求。
- However, the present IPE cannot totally meet the needs of constructing the harmonious society in terms of guiding ideology and specific ways. 但我国目前的大学生思想政治教育在指导思想和具体做法上,还不能完全适应构建和谐社会的要求。
- Do you hope to be assign to work in country? 你希望分配到农村工作吗?
- Structuring harmonious society of socialism and the real basis, is the key target of building a well-off society in an all-round way and developing process is consistent ,. 构建社会主义和谐社会与全面建设小康社会存在多角度的差别:构建社会主义和谐社会是中国特色社会主义建设长期的战略任务,全面建设小康社会是中国特色社会主义的阶段性目标;
- The official talk of “peaceful rising” and “building a harmonious society” in recent years reflects a softer approach in both international and domestic politics. 最近几年,官方说法中的"和平崛起"和"构建和谐社会"正反映了一种在国内国际政治中更柔和的身段和态度。
- Building socialistic harmonious society in China will forcefully accelerate "Beijing consensus" to be prevalently consented in the developed countries such as America. 中国构建社会主义和谐社会将有力促进“北京共识”在美国等发达国家真正成为普遍共识。
- They picked up most of the furniture at auctions in country towns. 他们大部分的家具都是在乡村镇上的拍卖处买的。
- The building of a harmonious society in the context of the times, the spirit of volunteerism is essential to promote Social Structure optimize the important factor. 在建设和谐社会的时代背景之下,志愿服务精神更是促进社会结构优化不可或缺的重要因数。
- It's unlimited to drive cars at high speed in country. 在乡村开快车没有限制。
- Handling the relationship between the traditional culture and construction of a harmonious society in a proper way will help inherit and pass on Tujia culture. 恰当地把握传统文化与和谐社会建设的关系,将使土家族文化实现传承与进一步发展。
- Emancipatory thought, rapid development, advocate culture of Anhui green network in the round, make pure network environment jointly, achieve harmonious society in all. 2.;解放思想、快速发展,全面倡导安徽绿色网络文化,共同打造纯净网络环境,共创和谐社会。
- Old-age issue is not a social problem that have been besetting many countries , but also the problem that building a harmonious society in China need to resolve. 养老问题一直是困扰许多国家的一个社会性的难题,也是我国构建和谐社会需要的解决的问题。
- The children revel in country life. 孩子们特别喜欢乡村生活。