- haploid amount of DNA 脱氧核糖核酸单倍量
- In about two hours, the amount of DNA can be increased a billion-fold. 大约两小时以内dna的总量就能增加十亿倍。
- For example,the amount of DNA found at the root of one hair is usually sufficient. 例如,一根头根上找到的DNA分子通常情况下就足以确定身份了。
- For example, the amount of DNA found at the root of one hair is usually sufficient. 例如,一根头根上找到的DNA分子通常情况下就足以确定身份了。
- The amount of DNA coupled is determined by UV spectrophotometry. A new type [DNA-(PAMAM)-(Zirconia-UF resin)] stationary phase of HPLAC is prepared. 然后,使之与脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)键合,从而制备了一种生物特效亲和色谱固定相[DNA-(PAMAM)-(Zirconia-UF resin)]。
- We have seen students in our channels own organization compare themselves based upon initiatory status, amount of DNA embodied, or the role that they play within the group. 我们已看到在我们通道自己机构内的学生们比较他们的提升状况、已收录的DNA数量,或他们在团队内扮演的角色。
- Through the lymphocytes of mouse spleen exposed single or jointed aldehydes,we examine the amount of DNA Strand Breakage (DSB) formation by comet assay. 应用单细胞凝胶电泳技术,通过对小鼠脾淋巴细胞染毒试验,测定了甲醛、乙醛、丙稀醛单独及联合作用下对细胞DNA分子链断裂损伤。
- Although there are many methods to estimate the early postmortal interval,more attention has been paid to the research on measuring the amount of DNA in cells. 早期死亡时间的推断方法有许多,但近年来通过测量组织细胞DNA含量的变化规律来推断早期死亡时间越来越引起人们的注意。
- He has a large amount of mail to answer every day. 他每天有大量的信件要回复。
- In Part III, we report a new electrokinetic scheme capable of trapping and concentrating a trace amount of DNA molecules both efficiently and effectively. 第三部份,我们提出一个运用电荷动力现象来收集并浓缩DNA分子的新方法。
- The carpet will stand any amount of wear. 这地毯极其耐用。
- The amount of a claim on an insurer by an insured. 险损赔偿额保险人从承保人获得的赔偿数量
- Just think of the amount of time wasted. 想一想多少时间被浪费了。
- Each contains plentiful amounts of DNA from cells, sloughed from the intestines of individual animals. 每个样本包含丰富的细胞DNA,从大象肠道中排泄出来;
- The amount of unemployed capital is very large. 未被利用的资金数量很大。
- The railroad gives free transportation for a certain amount of baggage. 铁路免费运送的行李是有一定数量的。
- The FBI is developing the system to produce typable amounts of DNA from saliva on stamps, envelopes and cigarette butts. 联邦调查局开展丁一种新方法,从邮票,信封及烟头上的唾液里,提取出足可进行分类的DNA。
- Even minute amounts of DNA can now be amplified, using the POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION, to provide sufficient material for genetic fingerprinting. 即使仅获得很少量的DNA也可使用聚合酶链式反应来扩增以提供足够的材料进行遗传指纹分析。
- She has a fair amount of money put by. 她存了不少钱。
- Crime scene investigators routinely use the PCR technique to detect and identify vanishingly small amounts of DNA at crime scenes. 一直以来,刑事鑑识人员都是利用聚合酶连锁反应(PCR)来侦测及辨识遗留在犯罪现场的少量DNA。