- Our plans must hang fire for a time. 我们的计划必须向后推迟一些时间。
- If we hang fire now,we will never get so good a chance again. 如果我们现在迟疑不决,我们就会坐失良机。
- The issue has been hanging fire for years. 这个问题多年来一直未予解决。
- If we hang fire now, we will never get so good a chance again. 如果我们现在迟疑不决,我们就会坐失良机。
- VALVES ARE FIRE SAFE Operate normally during and after fire test. 在耐火测试期间和以后仍然可以正常操作。
- I pulled the trigger, but the gun hung fire and the deer escaped. 我扣动了扳机,可是枪打不响,那鹿也就逃走了。
- The project have hang fire for several year because of lack of fund. 这个项目由於缺少资金而推迟了许多年。
- The project had hung fire for several years because of lack of funds. 这个项目由于缺少资金而推迟了许多年。
- Smith pulled the trigger, but the gun hung fire and the deer escaped. 史密斯扣动扳机,可是枪打不响,因此那只鹿跑了。
- Your faith is being tested as fire tests gold and purifies it. 试炼的过程就如同用火萃取真金一般。
- This paper mainly studies the simulation of frequency spectrum of the signal of underwater explosion about different dose detonator, and designs the underwater hang fire exploder. 本文主要是对不同炸药量水下爆炸产生的声信号频谱的模拟进行研究,并设计了水下延时起爆装置。
- Our plans for the new factory are hanging fire at the moment. 我们建造新厂的计划目前搁浅了。
- I pulled the trigger,but the gun hung fire and the deer escaped. 我扣动了扳机,可是枪打不响,那鹿也就逃走了。
- The upstream end of the fire test chamber shall be filled with a 14in.length of uncoated 16-guage steel plate positioned on the specimen mounting ledge in front of and under the leading edge of the specimen. 前缘燃烧测试室上游端口中是一长14英寸厚度规格为16的无镀层钢板,该板位于样品安装壁架前端,在样品前缘下方。
- The project had hung fire for several years for lack of funds. 这个项目因缺少资金耽搁了好几年。
- According to the request and test procedure,fire tests of wood crib fire-extinguishing system are made. 按照上述标准规定,进行了七氟丙烷灭火系统灭火试验。
- Full size enclosure fire tests to evaluate water mist fire suppression. 全尺寸空间细水雾灭火实验及灭火效果评价。
- Then the stress and deformation of the casc in firing test are calculated, and the calcuation results are compared with calculation results of case hydrostatic test. 首先计算了壳体承受内压作用下的应力与变形,并与其水压试验结果进行了比较,然后计算壳体在热试验状态下的应力与变形,也与其水压试验的计算结果进行了比较。
- We were in bed by ten. I hung fire,but Harris went to sleep at once. 10点时我们就上床了,我迟迟不能入睡,而哈里斯倒头就睡着了。
- Smith pulled the trigger,but the gun hung fire and the deer escaped. 史密斯扣动扳机,可是枪打不响,因此那只鹿跑了。