- The premier deals with important affairs of state. 总理处理国家重要事务。
- The minister is busy with important affairs of state. 部长忙于重要国务。
- The premier is dealing with the affairs of state. 首相在处理国务。
- The minister deals with important affairs of state. 这位部长处理重要的国家大事。
- The ministers deliberated on the affairs of state. 部长们商议国事。
- We should concern ourselves with affairs of state. 我们要关心国家大事。
- The statesman is much occupied with affairs of state. 那个政治家忙于国事。
- There are also Islamic, Christian, Jewish Courts which handle affairs of personal status such as marriage, divorce, death and inheritance. 此外,还有伊斯兰教、基督教、犹太教等法院,处理私人事务,诸如结婚、离婚、死亡及遗产。
- To solidify her power, MouZaktin had to eliminate each and everyone who opposed her, so she planned to help the king handle the affairs of state, thereby gaining authority. 武则天就为左巩固自己嘅权力,将唔听佢话嘅人一个个铲除,就计画代替唐高宗处理朝政,跟住掌握大权.
- The affairs of state are constantly on the Prime Minister's mind. 首相时常挂念着国事。
- The president meet his ministers and discussed the affairs of state with them. 总统会见了部长们,并在一起商谈国事。
- It requires a long head to manage successfully the affairs of state. 要办好国家大事, 需要有先见之明。
- He would withdraw from the affairs of state and finish out his life in Linz. 他将摆脱国务,终老于林茨。
- This move also ensured that the king wouldn't have to get his hands dirty with messy affairs of state. 这一行动可以确保这位皇上不会因纠葛不清的国事而玷污自己的手脚。
- Be concerned about the affairs of state before others, and enjoy comfort about others. 先天之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐。
- You'd better not mess in the affairs of others. 你最好不要干涉他人的事情。
- By the end of June, Pakistani Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of Haq's visit to China. 6月底,巴外交国务部长哈克访华。
- Representatives of different nationalities gather in the same hall to discuss affairs of state. 各族人民的代表聚集一堂,共商国事。
- Given to prying into the affairs of others; snoopy. 好管闲事的刺探别人事务的; 爱探听的
- ADK SIR:Saw your email, know serious that diplomat handle affairs! 看了你们的电邮,知道外交官办事的严肃性!