- A forepeak halliard snapped and the highest top gallant spar was carried away. 船首舱的帆绳被猛烈的海风吹断,最高矗的船首细斜桅杆已经折断,消失得无影无踪。
- Ladderline was designed as an optimal halyard for fire service extension ladders. Ladderline设计为最佳的升降索给消防服务扩展梯子。
- At almost the same time our genoa halyard jammed and we couldn't get the sail down. 同时,三角帆的升降索卡住了,我们无法及时降下三角帆。
- For example, the halyard, uses in the crane code high and low, must very solid durable. 例如,旗绳,用起重机代码在高,低,必须十分坚实耐用。
- halyard from which the flag is flown. 无论以任何方式,国旗决不能用于广告目的。
- haulyard n. 升降索
- halliard n. 升降索(帆;旗等升降之用)
- pendant halyard 桅顶旗索
- wire halyard 升降钢索
- antenna halyard 天线升降索
- halyard n. 升降索;吊索
- halyard block 篷索滑车
- peak halyard 顶桁吊索
- crowfoot halyard 天幕索
- boom halyard 帆桁吊索
- mizen peak halyard 后帆斜桁顶索
- gaff halyard 斜桁吊索
- studding-sail halyard 辅助帆张帆索
- jib halyard 艏三角帆张帆索
- signal halyard 信号旗索