- guide dog robot 盲人导引机器狗
- Which dog is suitable to choose as the guide dog? 什么犬适用于导盲犬?
- Do all blind people use guide dog? 所有盲人都要使用导盲犬吗?
- The copilot was using a guide dog . 副驾驶员牵着一条导盲犬。
- And what does her guide dog think? 那她的导盲犬是怎么认为的?
- This loyal guide dog accompanied Magritte to the amusement park. 这个忠诚的导盲犬陪伴玛格丽特去了游乐园。
- Inside the cabin of each flight can only be a guide dog shipment. 每一航班的客舱内只能装运一只导盲犬。
- Store clerk: Oh, after I sold the guy the suit, his guide dog bit me. 店员:噢,我把那件西装卖给那个人以后,他的导盲犬咬了我的手。
- The blind need the guide dogs that are schooled in obedience. 盲人们需要那些训练得很听话的导盲犬。
- Eustis invited him to visit her in Switzerland in order to train him and Buddy, his German shepherd guide dog. 德里斯成了第一位使用导盲犬的美国人。
- A partially sighted man who allegedly bit his guide dog on the head and kicked it has been charged with animal cruelty, Scottish police said. 一名半盲的男子,因为据说咬自己导盲犬的头部,而且踢???驯豢馗媾按??铮?崭窭季?剿怠
- Canadian guide dog barred for only answering its master's commands in French. Japanese boy writes apology in blood for dozing in class. 加拿大盲人狗在法国被关因为它只听主人的话。日本小孩写检讨因为他上课打磕睡。
- This is to certify that Stephen Wu of Toptail Labradors has made a significant contribution to the Hyogo Guide Dog Association. 本函证明上首尾拉不拉多对日本兵库导盲犬协会做出重大贡献。
- It did not take long for Quill to be selected for training as a guide dog, and the first "master" Quill is sent to is Mr. 同名传记小说里平实而动人的文字与几十幅生动的摄影作品,曾憾动了亿万的亚洲读者。
- This is the story of Quill, a dog raised to become a seeing-eye dog that experiences many heart warming encounters and bitter-sweet farewells as he grows into a trusted guide dog. 相对其他的兄弟姐,小Q确是与别不同,他身上有个特别的胎记--像小鸟展翅的记号,因此他的养父母给他改名为小Q(即鸟的羽翼的意思)。
- A guide dog doesn't know where a blind person wants to go.But it walks without falling over bicycles, prams and other obstacles so that the blind person doesn't fall. 导盲犬并不知道其盲人主任想要上哪,但是它能引领主人在行进中及时避开自行车、童车和各种障碍物,以免主人跌倒。
- Eustis asking her to train a German shepherd for him as a guide dog, since he had lost his sight in both eyes in two accidents, and did not want to depend on others to survive. 德里斯在两起事故中不幸失去了双眼,但他不想依靠他人来生活。
- It's not unusual for visually-impaired humans to rely on a guide dog - but now a shelter in Norfolk has found a blind border collie with his own inseparable canine companion. 视力受损的人仰赖导盲犬并非罕见,但现在在英国诺福克的一家动物收容所内,发现一只失明的边境牧羊犬依赖与他形影不离的狗同伴。
- The dog kept a vigilant guard over the house. 这只狗警惕地守护着这所房屋。
- The dog stays home to whelp and raises her puppy. 这条狗待在家里生了小狗并把它们养大。