- The firm decided to bid on the guidance system. 该公司决定投标导航系统。
- The missile has a sophisticated guidance system. 该导弹配有复杂的导航系统。
- In fact, although the LM-3B had a failure in its inertia platform, the main cause was the quality of component, which had nothing to do with the platform design scheme, to say nothing of an "improvement' of the guidance system. 实际上,长征三号乙的这次失利故障虽然出在惯性平台上,但其故障性质仅属于元器件的质量问题,根本不涉及平台的设计方案,更不涉及所谓对制导系统的改进。
- The airplane has a sophisticated electronic guidance system. 这架飞机有一套尖端的电子导航系统。
- It is actually part of your guidance system as well. 实际上它也是你的指导系统的一部分。
- High-speed reentry aerocraft is usually with terminal guidance system. 高速再入飞行器通常具有末制导系统。
- The influence of target glint on the miss of the homing guidance system is analyzed. 摘要分析了目标闪烁对寻的制导回路制导精度的影响。
- The Cox Report holds that the investigation of the February 15 failure helped the Chinese side improve its design scheme of guidance system. 《考克斯报告》认为,“2.;15”事故故障排查过程使中方改进了制导系统设计方案。
- Obviously,a missile requires greater precision in the guidance system than a carrier rocket. 显而易见,导弹制导精度高于运载火箭的要求。
- I write telephone external guidance system main engine end complete source code. 详细说明:俺写的电话遥控系统的主机端完整源代码。
- The intricate controls and the guidance system have little to do with the force needed for getting a rocket off the ground. 那些复杂的控制装置和导航系统与使火箭离开地面所需要的力关系不大。
- The oil burners M have an optimized air guidance system, providing a quiet and pressure-stable blower. 油燃烧器M有一个优化的空中导航系统,提供一个安静和压力稳定风机。
- Radar identified, after "Rumet" direct to CH and radar vectoring approach for IGS(Instrument Guidance System) R/W13. 已识别,过R点后直飞CH。雷达引导用仪表引导系统进近,跑道13号。
- Obviously, a missile requires greater precision in the guidance system than a carrier rocket. 显而易见,导弹制导精度高于运载火箭的要求。
- In an infrared guidance system,the atmosphere attenuation has an significant influence on infrared detection. 在红外制导系统中,大气衰减作用对红外探测有重要影响。
- It is established a bomb guidance system mathematical model, and simulated in random. 建立卫星制导炸弹制导系统数学模型,并且进行了制导系统的随机仿真和分析。
- How could the conclusion "to improve the design of the guidance system used in the PRC's newest Long March rocket'' be drawn in the Cox Report? 不知《考克斯报告》所说的故障排查“改进了该火箭的制导系统设计”的结论从何而来?
- Lane recognition is the basic function that a visual intelligent vehicle guidance system must implement. 车道线识别是智能汽车视觉导航系统必须实现的基本功能。
- Route Guidance System(RGS) is a representative part of Intelligent Transportation System. 路径诱导系统是智能运输系统最具代表性的一个功能子系统。
- This thesis mainly deals with the open torpedo guidance system based on bus technology and information synthesis. 基于总线技术的开放式鱼雷制导系统和信息综合是本论文的主题。