- 人胰岛素样生长因子2(Insulin-like growth factor 2,IGF2)和H19即为研究较早的一对相互毗邻的印记基因。 Insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF2) and H19 are two imprinted genes located adjacent to each other at chromosome 11p15.5 in humans.
- FP-growth FP-growth
- Update-Factor模型 Update-Factor model
- FP_growth FP_growth
- (=Rhesus factor negative) Rh因子阴性,狝猴因子阴性 Rh neg.
- (=Laki-Lorand factor) 拉-罗二氏因子(XIII因子,纤维蛋白稳定因子) L-F f.
- 针对Apriori算法和FP-growth算法存在的问题,本文主要开展并完成了以下研究工作: This paper has completed the following research work to solve the problems of the Apriori algorithm and the FP-growth algorithm.
- 目的 :用己糖激酶法校正谷丙转氨酶 (AL T)活性测定系数 (K factor)。 Objective:Our purpose was to proofread alanine aminotransferase(ALT) activity factor(K factor) by hexokinase.
- 研究了关联规则的基本理论,描述并分析了经典关联规则算法Apriori算法和FP-growth算法。 Basic theory of Association Rules is researched. The typical algorithms such as Apriori and FP-growth of mining association rules are discussed and analyzed.
- 凋亡诱导因子(apoptosis-inducing factor,AIF)是位于线粒体膜间隙的一种黄素蛋白。 Apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF) is a mi-tochondrial intermembrane space flavoproteln.
- 只有当日志文件使用较小的size和growth_increment值定义时,虚拟日志文件才会影响系统性能。 The only time virtual log files affect system performance is if the log files are defined by small size and growth_increment values.
- FP-Growth算法是一种基于模式增长的频繁模式挖掘算法,避免了大量候选项集的产生,只需要两次扫描数据库。 FP-Growth algorithm adopts pattern fragment growth method and only scans database twice.
- 表皮生长因子(epidermal growth factor EGF)是最初从小鼠的下颌下腺提取的一种含有53个氨基酸残基的单链多肽。 Epidermal growth factor is a single-chain peptide with 53 amino-acid residue.
- 目的:探讨生长激素(Growth hormone,GH)对阿霉素(Adriamycin,ADR)心肌病大鼠心肌细胞凋亡的影响及其机制。 Objective To explore the effects and the mechanisms of growth hormone (GH) on cardiomyocyte apoptosis in adriamycin (ADR)-induced cardiomyopathy in rats.
- 传统框架主要由有效市场假说(EMH)、资本资产定价模型(CAPM)以及Fama和French的三因素模型(Three-Factor Model)构成; The traditional framework is consisted of EMH, CAPM and the three-factor model of Fama-French.
- 提出的MAGO-FP算法,使用Gene Ontology(GO)的概念分层结构,通过对FP-Growth算法的扩展,具有一定的性能优势。 Improved from FP-Growth algorithm,MAGO-FP,a highly efficient data mining technique for discovering the multilevel association rules from biological data based on the concept hierarchy of Gene Ontology(GO)has been proposed.
- 上榜的其他名人包括美国豪门女星、社交名媛帕里斯?希尔顿(第六位)及英国选秀节目“The X Factor”冠军莉欧娜?刘易斯(第九位)。 Other celebrities on the list included U.S. heiress and socialite Paris Hilton (sixth) and Leona Lewis, a winner of Britain's "The X Factor" television talent show (ninth).
- 在设计环境中,您可以通过访问[数据库配置文件设置]对话框中的[事务]选项卡并将[Retrieve Blocking Factor](检索块因子)设置为1来设置Block参数。 In the design environment, you can set the Block parameter by accessing the Transaction tab in the Database Profile Setup dialog and setting the Retrieve Blocking Factor to 1.
- ENF肽家族的另一成员,粘虫(Pseudaletiaseparata)的生长阻抑肽(Growth-blockingpeptide),同家蚕瘫痪肽一样能够在粘虫的血细胞免疫反应中起到调节吞噬细胞的功能。 The growth-blocking peptide of Pseudaletia separata (PsGBP), which is also a member of the ENF peptide family, has similar functions that can reportedly be attenuated by the growth-blocking peptide-binding protein (GBP-BP).
- 本文还将那些具有综合性能特性较佳的PSS电路也应用到高频PWM技术的AC-DC整流器的有源功率因数校正器( Active Power Factor Correction,APFC)上。 Those PSS circuits which have good overall performances are applied to single-phase PWM Active Power Factor Correction (APFC) circuit which is high-frequency PWM technology and also operated in CCM.